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Mostly Knitting Blog

Want to find the new stuff on, or read about my latest projects and discoveries? This is the place.

An Impromptu Tutorial: Repairing a Teddy Bear

While our family were checking out the various recycling yards and op shops in our area the other day, my son adopted a poor little teddy bear he named Blinky.

Teddy bear with a missing eye

Meet Blinky.

Charlie felt sorry for Blinky, and convinced that I could fix him, he brought the bear home.

It turned out that I had a matching eyeball in my stash. What self respecting crafter doesn’t have an eyeball stash? (I have noses too) 😉

The result? Please enjoy my new tutorial: How to replace a teddy bear’s eye.


A Bit of Arty Recycling with Foam Printmaking Blocks

Yesterday we took a family trip to the recycling yard (as you do), and I found some boxes of sticky foam sponge shapes, that I assume were meant to be used as packaging somehow.

The type of foam reminded me of the kind used to make Art Foamies, so I stuck them onto three cork place-mats, and now I have a new set of printing blocks!

Printing plate made from sponges and an old placemat

(Above) This one was inspired by the Mid Century Modern school of design. I might carve some little flower and motif stamps to print over the top. Or maybe some fish.

(Below) I decided to see what I could do with all of the pieces that had been cut up and the odd shapes. This block was inspired by the designs on the Pyrmont incinerator designed by Walter Burley Griffin in the 1930’s. I had the honour of seeing it shortly before it was demolished. The architectural detail was stunning even in the state of decay it was suffering in 1990.

Printing plate made from sponges and an old placemat

I used the last of the foamy sponge pieces at an angle, a bit like herringbone brickwork, only with two sizes of oblongs and great big gaps 🙂

Printing plate made from sponges and an old placemat

These are multi purpose plates. I can roll paint onto them using a foam brayer and print with them that way. I can sponge colours on for a multi-colour effect, or use them as texture plates with a gelli plate. I have so much experimenting to do! I think I’ll start with printing some fabric.

I also found this little bonus in one of the pots of foam pieces. It looks like the previous owner had a similar idea to mine as they had made a little set of round stamps.

Foam stamps

Do you like printing on fabric or using gelli plates? Leave a comment with a link to your work becuase I’d love to take a look!


Today’s New Knitting Pattern – A Lace Lovely

Reversible knitted lace scarf
Today’s new knitting pattern is a beautiful lace scarf inspired by Shetland lace by Margaret Anderson of New Zealand. Written in 1936 for a knitting competition in an Australian knitting magazine, I think you’ll agree that Miss Anderson was robbed when she only tied for 6th place!

Margaret’s Reversible Scarf

I know I asked yesterday if anyone would like a pattern for a baby jacket or an edging but I couldn’t wait to get a new pattern up. They’ll be next!


Welcome to the New!

A relaxing cup of tea

Welcome to the beginning of the 23rd year of! To celebrate over 22 years online, I’ve updated the whole site. Yep, the whole thing.

You’ll find all your favourite things that were here before, like the knitting pattern for the Feather and Fan Comfort Shawl, the Baby Surprise Jacket tips page, and a heck of a lot of flower loom tutorials.

You’ll also find you’ll be scrolling a lot less to find things (yay!), there’s a comment section at the bottom of every tutorial and pattern so you can leave a note right on the pattern if you need to, AND (!!!) everything still prints without any of the stuff you don’t need when you’re not online.

The difference between the on screen and print versions of
Check it out! When you print a knitting pattern, the pattern is the only thing you get.

Even with all that, the thing I think you’ll like the most is something you can’t even see. I’ve made it eight bazillion times easier for me to add new content. That means more knitting patterns for lace edgings, more vintage embroidery books, more of everything!

You can subscribe right here to be notified every time I add new content. (If you previously subscribed to the Wiki or Blog, you will need to resubscribe).


So grab a cup of tea in your favourite rainbow mug* and have a look around. I’ll see you soon with some more free knitting patterns. Would you like a baby cardigan or a new lace edging?


  • I wish that rainbow mug were mine but alas, it’s stock photography. So sad. 😉