This week’s favourite things Thursday comes with a tutorial for making your own teneriffe lace cushion!
One of my favourite types of needlework is any textile for which the major tools needed are a needle and thread. Whether it is needle lace edgings such as oya ignesi with it’s stunning floral and geometric designs, needle lace (I’m a fan of the more colourful and modern pieces), or teneriffe lace, if it’s portable I’ll give it a go.
Many years ago I bought a teneriffe lace cushion called a Koppo cushion and was flooded with requests to buy it or to tell people where they could get one. Unfortunately, since they were made in 1955 that wasn’t going to be possible. Even worse, I seem to have lost mine when we moved house, so I made a replacement and you can too. (I’m hoping it will still turn up but considering how organised most of my gear is, I doubt it).

My poor lost, beloved Koppo cushion
I’ve written a full tutorial on sewing the cushion with two options on how to make the top (leather or paper), what to fill it with and a link to an amazing book that will teach you all you need to know about making your lace. Thanks to some notes I kept and the patent online, I even managed to recreate the top of the Koppo cushion accurately so I have my favourite piece of needlework gear back!
Check out my new tutorial on making a teneriffe lace pillow, aka Koppo cushion.
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