This week in our “And so To Sew” series, leaflet 11a will teach you how to sew a nightie without using a pattern and how to sew pyjamas from a commercial pattern. We also build on your library of techniques with frills, casings, machine sewn felled seams and sewing a collar and facing in one step.

In “And So To Embroider” leaflet 11b, we learn how to design and edit embroideries using cut paper. How to vary the look of the same design by using different stitches, appliqué with a couched edge and make a notebook holder.
As always, I have added modern video or photo tutorials to each page for my fellow visual learners.
We still have a long way to go with the “And So To” series of bulletins! Make sure to visit every Tuesday (Australian Eastern) for new sewing and embroidery content, every Thursday for the week’s “Favourite Thing” (it could be anything, this week it’s a whole tutorial!), and every Saturday for a new knitting pattern.