Fan shapes make great flower buds, feathers, or even fans 🙂
Fans can easily be created on a loom with a centre post or any other loom. For instructions on making fan shapes on any round loom, see my other fan-shape tutorial. This tutorial will cover fan shapes made on a loom with a centre post.
The loom in the photo is the Hana Ami loom by Clover. To make a fan shape wind a section of your loom. I’ve woven one quarter for the sample but you can wind as much or as little as you like. |
Tie the threads together at the centre peg. | |
Weave the bottom of your fan as desired. I made a wedge of double weaving followed by a knotted round .
To tidy up the point, take the starting end of your thread and thread it through the loops several times. Pull tight. Darn in all loose ends on the back. |
Copyright Sarah Bradberry March 2007. All rights reserved.