Fan shapes make a nice addition to embroideries, doll house decorations or accessories for rag dolls.
You can make fan shapes on any round loom. I’ve used an Inox Prym loom in my tutorial, but you can also use a loom with fixed pegs.
My sample above was made on a Studio Twelve loom and I used the inner round of pegs as a guide for stitching my final round of knots.
If you want to make fan shapes on a Hana-Ami loom see my other fan-shape tutorial about making them on a loom with a centre post. To make a fan shape you will use one peg at the bottom of your loom (on the inner or outer round of pegs), and an odd number of pegs directly on the opposite side of your loom. You can use an even number of pegs if you don’t want a loop in the centre. |
Starting at the bottom peg, take the yarn up and wind it around each top peg, then the bottom peg in turn. | |
End at the bottom peg. | |
Use the end of your yarn to tie all the threads together at the bottom peg. | |
Decorate your fan any way you like. I like to work double weave followed by a row of knots. | |
Darn all the loose ends into the back of your work. |
Copyright Sarah Bradberry April 2007. All rights reserved.