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Year: 2014

Tiny Flowers from a Tiny Bit of Treasure

The tiny little bit of spinning I mentioned in my last post has become three tiny little flowers!

Crochet flowers made from a scrap of handspun wool/silk
Crochet flowers made from a scrap of handspun wool/silk

With only  a small amount of yarn, I decided to use it to crochet some simple flowers using a 2.5mm crochet hook and this pattern:

Mayra’s Creations: Flower & Leaf Appliques.

Now I just have to make a small piece of felt for a background, get out my embroidery threads and I’ll have a new flower brooch!

Proof that handspinners should always hoard their scrap fibre 🙂

Now if I just knew what to make with the bulky weight 2 ply that I spun with the rolags I made with the rest of the fibre…


And Now to Bed, But First…

My current spinning: a scrap of merino/silk from my blending board being spun into a lace-weight 2 ply on my Majacraft Mayan Spinner. It isn’t really the proper prep for a Mayan spinner (you need well carded fibre), but since it’s just a tiny sample I thought I’d persevere with it.

Spinning on a Majacraft Mayan Spinner
Spinning on a Majacraft Mayan Spinner

It’s a shame Majacraft stopped making these so quickly as they’d be great for spinning on a long train trip.

I’f you’d like to see exactly how to spin on one of these doohickeys, check out this video by k9nething on Youtube.

And now I really am going to bed. Good night!


Coming Soon, Achoo Cough Cough Cough

The Summer flu (well, technically Spring flu but close enough) is currently attempting to kick my voluminous butt, but it hasn’t stopped me almost preparing a Christmas present for my fellow retro style fans.

The Perfection Cuddly Toymaking Kit, Book No. 1
The Perfection Cuddly Toymaking Kit, Book No. 1

The Perfection Cuddly Toymaking Kit was published in Australia in the early 1950’s as a home education course for women wanting to earn pin money by making toys and gifts and selling them in bulk to local shops.

There are ten booklets in the kit, covering a large range of toys, novelties and bags. If you love retro style toys then you’ll love making the toys straight from the full size patterns, or you can make changes and use them to design updated versions with a more modern look. With all sorts of toys from little felt rabbits to fur fabric penguins, leatherette (or felt) sausage dogs and the obligatory Scotty, to (my favourite) felt flowers and a great knitting/overnight bag to sew, I think you’ll have many of your Christmas presents covered!

Now I just have to stop coughing long enough and I’ll be uploading one booklet per day for ten days. Watch this space for booklet number 1 very soon!


Technical Dooverage terminally outgrew it’s server over the last couple of weeks so I’ve moved it to a different one with more of everything that makes it go 🙂

I’ve noticed everything is loading much faster for me, I hope it is for you too.  If you encounter any errors, please let me know. I, or one of my work colleagues, will get right on it.

Diva cat getting some work done in my office
One of my colleagues ready for a day’s work.
Tidy kitties on a bookshelf
My other colleagues hard at work doing some filing.
