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Still Knitting Lace!

I just realised it’s been ten days since I posted about updating the lace patterns from The Ladies’ Guide to Elegant Lace Patterns Etc. 

I’m still knitting! In fact, I’ve been knitting lace in every spare moment, and sometimes all day (I’m looking at you, pointy forty-plus stitch lace on the top right)!

Lace from "The Ladies' Guide to Elegant Lace Patterns, Etc" 1884
Some unblocked lace edging samples from The Ladies’ Guide to Elegant Lace Patterns Etc, 1884

I have eight and a half samples to go, then I’ll be uploading all the patterns with corrections, updated language and stitch maps, wherever possible. Wish me luck, one of them starts off with fifty stitches!


Posted in Knitting