The switch over from Movable Type to WordPress is finished!
I’ve been wanting to make the blog more useful to my visitors for a long time but had to learn how to make a theme to match the rest of the site first 🙂
So, what difference does this make to you? Well, the blog is now completely interactive!
Posts now have comments so you don’t have to use the contact form every time you want to tell me something. You can subscribe to the comments on individual posts if it’s a discussion you’re interested in, or you’ve asked me a question, and you’ll be notified right in your inbox as soon as anyone replies.
There are also categories and tags at the bottom of each post that you can click to see more posts on related topics.
Most importantly, there is now a form over in the right hand side of the blog that you can use to subscribe and be notified by email every time I make a new post. If you sign up you’ll be the first to know every time I post new patterns, discover a cool gadget or find something online that I just have to tell every one about!
I hope you find these new features useful, and look forward to sharing all sorts of crafty goodness with you in 2014 🙂