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Sewing Weavettes Together

weavette quilt square

This is a variation of the instructions that are supplied with the Weavettes looms. I find that it gives a neater edge to the seams and eliminates any diagonal threads on the right side of your work.

If you look at the instructions for overcasting stitch in your instruction book (figure 9 in the modern books) you’ll see that it says to make 2 stitches in each double loop at the edge of your piece of weaving.

However, if you make three stitches in each loop at the
spots shown in the image on the left, you will be able to hide any diagonal
threads on the right side of your work, thus giving a much neater finish.

This image shows a square made from weavettes sewn together using the normal overcast stitch

This image shows a square made from weavettes sewn together using the overcast stitch variation.

Copyright Sarah Bradberry May 21st 2002. All rights reserved.