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Ideas for Using Small Amounts of Novelty Yarn in Knitted Projects

Knitted fingerless mitts with novelty yarn cuffs

You can make really wonderful turn-ups on hats
Cuffs on mittens
Decorative ends for scarves
Icord, fringes, tassels, knitted appliqué for decoration
Fairisle bands
Mosaic knit bands
Wristers (I get very cold hands)
Anything knit with a modular knitting technique
Tiny bits can be used in entrelac
Quite often a plain garment can be enlivened by using a contrast novelty yarn just to cast off the bottom of the ribbing. This especially looks lovely on little purses or gift bags.
Toys toys toys (my favourite thing to design)
Little evening bags (for the bags or the handles)

Copyright Sarah Bradberry 2001