I recently had the opportunity to watch my brother’s Mr. Bean videos (over and over and over…) and thought it was the perfect opportunity to finally get this pattern designed. I actually had to wait for my brother’s videos to arrive from England by ship, and what with the recent strikes on the docks here in Australia they were somewhat delayed. Anyway, this bear is designed to look like the bear from the Mr. Bean TV series and movie, not the toy you can buy in the shops. It’s easy to knit since all but the front head are knit flat in garter st.
I hope you like it, but watch out if you decide to show the finished product to your friends! (Everyone I showed it to wants me to make them one!)
Oh, and it has a floppy neck just like the bear in the movie so you can re-enact the “hypnotize teddy” scene for your friends 😉
I used 125gm 8 ply (DK) Panda Woolblend crepe in colour 31 (dark brown) @ 125m (140 yards) per 50gm ball
A scrap of pale beige 8 ply (DK) for hands
Scrap of black yarn for nose and eyes
2 buttons of 15mm (5/8 inch) diameter with 4 holes, or a scrap of white felt
1 pair 3.25mm knitting needles
Soft toy filling
26sts and 52 rows to 10cm (4 inches) over garter st on 3.25mm needles
Over-all height approximately 45.5cm (18 inches)
inc = knit into the front, then into the back of the next st
k2tog = knit 2 together
M1 = Make 1. Pick up the bar lying between sts and knit into the back of it.
SSK = (Slip, Slip, Knit). Slip next st from left hand needle to right hand needle knitways. Slip next st the same way. Return both sts to left hand needle in their new twisted positions and k2tog.
Use dark brown unless otherwise stated. Bear is knit entirely in garter st.
Body: Make 2
Cast on 12 sts and knit 1 row. (WS)
Inc 1 st at both ends of the next row, and every following alternate row until you have 26sts.
K 50 rows without shaping.
K2tog at both ends of the next row, then every following alternate row until 12 sts remain.
Cast off.
Legs: Make 2
Cast on 22 sts and knit 64 rows.
K2tog at both ends of every alternate row until 8 sts remain.
Cast off.
Foot Base: Make 2
Cast on 2 sts.
Work in garter st and inc 1 st at both ends of next 4 rows. (10sts)
Knit 10 rows
K2tog at both ends of every row until 2 sts remain.
Cast off.
Arms: Make 2
Cast on 16sts and knit 21 rows
Increase row: K1, M1, K6, M1, K2, M1, K6, M1, K1
Knit 21 rows
Increase row: K1, M1, K8, M1, K2, M1, K8, M1, K1
Knit 12 rows
Change to pale beige yarn and work paw as follows:
K 6 rows
K2tog, K8, SSK, K2tog, K8, SSK
Knit 1 row
K2tog, K6, SSK, K2tog, K6, SSK
Knit 1 row
K2tog, K4, SSK, K2tog, K4, SSK
Knit 1 row
K2tog, K2, SSK, K2tog, K2, SSK
Knit 1 row
Cast off
Head Back: Make 1
Cast on 12 sts, inc both ends of every 4th row until you have 30sts
* K 14 rows
dec 1 st at both ends of every row until you have 8 sts.
Cast off
Head Front (and snout): Make 1
Cast on 12 sts and knit 1 row (WS)
1st row: K1, M1, K10, M1, K1
2nd and all alt rows (unless otherwise stated): Knit
3rd row: K2, M1, K10, M1, K2
4th row: K1, M1, K to last st, M1, K1
5th row: K4, M1, K10, M1, K4
7th row: K5, M1, K10, M1, K5
8th row: As 4th row
9th row: K7, M1, K10, M1, K7
11th row: K8, M1, K10, M1, K8
12th row: As 4th row
13th, 14th, and 15th rows: Knit
16th row: As 4th row
17th, 18th, and 19th rows: Knit
20th row: As 4th row
21st and 22nd rows: Knit
23rd row: K10, K2tog, K10, SSK, K10
24th row: As 4th row
25th row: K10, K2tog, K10, SSK, K10
26th row: Knit
27th row: K9, K2tog, K10, SSK, K9
28th row: As 4th row
29th row: K10, K2tog, K8, SSK, K10
30th row: Knit
31st row: K10, K2tog, K6, SSK, K10
32nd row: As 4th row
33rd, 34th, and 35th rows: Knit
36th row: As 4th row
Work as for back head from * to end.
Ears: Make 4
Cast on 22sts and knit 8 rows. Shape as follows:
K2tog at both ends of every alternate row until 8 sts remain
Cast off
Making Up
Sew seams on all pieces except ears, making sure to leave a small opening for stuffing.
Sew foot base into unshaped ends of legs.
Stuff body lightly and sew closed.
Stuff legs firmly and sew to body as shown in the photo above. Fill tops of legs while sewing to ensure fullness.
Fill arms firmly for 2/3 their length, stuff remaining 3rd lightly. Fold top of arms so that the seam is in the centre and sew closed.
Stitch arms to body approximately 1.25cm (1/2 inch) from the top.
Stuff head, shaping snout as you go.
Sew bottom of head closed and so to head so that the neck remains very floppy.
Sew a neat gathering stitch around the snout at the point where it meets the front of the face and secure neatly to keep snout in shape.
Sew ears together along shaped edge and stuff very lightly.
Gather lightly along bottom of ears and sew to head, using photo as a guide.
Embroider nose using black, making sure to place mouth in the centre of the snout for that typical “Mr. Bean’s Teddy” happy expression.
Sew buttons to head with black yarn, making an “X” shape in each one. If the toy is intended for a small child use circles of felt instead of buttons, and embroider an “X” in the middle of each one.
This pattern is Copyright © Sarah Bradberry July 20th 1998, all rights reserved. This pattern may be printed for personal use only, and this copyright notice must be kept intact.