Three Knitted Tea-Cosies: Trimmed with Wool Flowers (3-ply)
Presented with English Woman’s Weekly
You can use Oddments of Pretty Coloured Wools for the Flowers
No. 1. The Aster Tea-Cosy (Top right of cover)
2-1/2 ozs. of 3-ply fingering in two shades of green; small balls of similar wool in various shades for the asters and yellow for the centres;
a pair of No. 10 knitting needles
a No. 10 crochet hook.
K., knit plan;
p., purl; st.,
stitch; tog.,
dec., decrease (by taking 2 sts. tog.);
sl., slip;
s.s., stocking-st. (k. on the right side and p. back);
garter-st. is k. plain on every row;
D, darker shade of green;
L, lighter shade of green.
Directions in brackets are worked the number of time stated after the last bracket.
The main part of the cosy is worked in two pieces, which are afterwards joined together, leaving openings for the spout and handle.
Begin at the lower edge and cast on 82 sts. with dark wool. K. 2 rows plain.
1st pattern row: K. 1 with D and L together, (k. 10 L, keeping D at back of work, k. 10 D, keeping L at back of work) 4 times, k. 1 with D and L together.
2nd row: K. 1 with D and L, (k. 10 D, keeping L in front of work, K. 10 L, keeping D in front of work) 4 times, k. 1 with D and L.
Repeat these 2 rows 24 times more. (50 rows altogether).
51st row: As 1st row but, k. 8, k. 2 tog. instead of k. 10
52nd row: As 2nd row, but k. 9 instead of k. 10 (Work every wrong-side row as 2nd row but on each repeat K. 1 st. less before changing the colour.)
53rd row: As 1st row, but k. 2 tog., k. 7, instead of k. 10.
55th row: As 1st row, but k. 6, k. 2 tog. instead of k. 10.
57th row: As 1st row, but k. 2 tog., K. 5 instead of k. 10.
59th row: As 1st row, but k. 4, k. 2 tog. instead of k. 10.
61st row: K. 1 with D and L, (5 L, 5 D) 4 times, k. 1 D and L.
62nd row: As 2nd row but with k. 5 instead of k. 10.
Leave these 42 sts. on a spare needle. Make the second half in exactly the same way, but do not break the wool. Now work in s.s. (purling every even-numbered row) as followings:
1st and 2nd rows: Work right across the 84 sts. of the two halves.
3rd row: (K. 10, k. 2 tog.) 7 times.
4th row: Purl.
5th row: (K. 9, k. 2 tog.) 7 times.
Continue to decrease 7 times in every k. row, with 1 st. fewer between the decreases until 7 sts. remain. Cast off.
To Make Up
Sew the side seams for about 1 inch up from the lower edge and about the same distance down from the top of the garter-st. part.
With an embroidery needle, thread some wool through the centre cast-off sts. and draw up closely. Fasten off securely.
To Make the Asters
For each flower, take a strip of cardboard 1-1/2 inches wide, wind coloured wool round it 120 times (Diagram 1).
Tie the looped ends of wool securely with strong cotton along one edge of cardboard and cut the opposite ends of the wool (Diagram 2).
Wind yellow wool 24 times round a 1/2-inch strip of cardboard and tie the loops securely together along one edge.
(Do not cut the loops.) Remove this from the cardboard and sew in the centre of the main part of the flower (Diagram 3).
Arrange the cut ends round the yellow centre then bind with wool, round the outside of the flower, about 1/2 an inch up.
Make 14 flowers altogether and sew them to the top of the cosy.
Using the green wool and crochet hook, into main part of cosy between the flowers.
Make 16 chain loosely and a sl. st. into another part of the knitting between the flowers. Continue in this way all over the top of the cosy, so that the loops stand up among the flowers.
No. 2. Knitted in Tuft-Stitch (Top left of cover)
2 ozs. of 3-ply fingering in the main colour, and 1 oz. of the same wool in a contrasting colour for the lining, small balls of similar wool in light green, dark green, and mustard for the leaves, also white and four shades of pink for the flowers;
a pair of No. 10 knitting needles;
a steel crochet hook No. 1.
K., knit plan;
p., purl;
st., stitch;
tog., together;
dec., decrease (by taking 2 sts. tog.);
sl., slip;
p.s.s.o., pass the slipped st. over;
s.s., stocking-st. (k. on the right side and p. back);
garter-st. is k. plain on every row;
ch., chain; d.c.,
double crochet; tr.,
Directions in brackets are worked the number of time stated after the last bracket.
Tension and Measurements
Worked at such a tension that one repeat of the tuft pattern measures 1-1/4 inches in width, the cosy will measure 19 inches round the lower edge and is 6-1/2 inches high.
With main coloured wool begin at the lower edge and cast on 61 sts.
K. 2 rows plain, then work the pattern as follows:
1st row: (right side): K. 1, * (work a tuft thus: k. 1, p. 1, k. 1, all into the next st., turn and k. 3, turn and k. 3 tog., then p. 1) twice, k. 3, p. 1; repeat from * until 4 sts. remain, (tuft, p.1) twice.
2nd and every alternate row: Purl.
Repeat 1st and 2nd rows twice more.
7th row: Purl.
9th row: K. 4, p. 1, * (tuft, p. 1) twice, k. 3, p. 1; repeat from * to end.
10th row: Purl.
Repeat 9th and 10th rows twice more.
15th row: Purl
16th row: Purl.
These 16 rows form 1 pattern, so repeat them twice more, then shape the top as follows:
Dec. row: K. 1, * (tuft, p. 1) twice, sl. 1, k. 2 tog., p.s.s.o., p. 1; repeat from * until 4 remain, (tuft, p. 1) twice. (47 sts.)
2nd row: Purl.
3rd row: K. 1, * tuft, p. 1, tuft, k. 3; repeat from * until 4 remain, (tuft, p. 1) twice.
4th row: Purl.
Repeat the last 2 rows once more.
7th and 9th rows: Purl.
9th row: (2nd dec. row): K. 1, * sl. 1, k. 2 tog., p.s.s.o., tuft, p. 1, tuft; repeat from * until 4 sts. remain, sl. 1, k. 2 tog., p.s.s.o., k. 1. (31 sts.)
10th row: Purl.
11th row: K. 2, * tuft, p. 1, tuft, k. 1; repeat from * until 1 st. remains, k. 1.
12th row: As 10th row.
13th row: K. 1, (k. 2 tog.) 15 times. (16 sts.)
S.s. 3 rows beginning with a purl row.
Next row: K. 2 tog. all across the row. (8 sts.)
Break off the wool, leaving a long end, and thread through the remaining sts., draw up closely and fasten off.
Work a second half exactly the same way.
The Lining
With contrasting coloured wool cast on 60 sts. and work 50 rows in garter-sts. (25 ridges.)
1st dec. row: (K. 5, k. 3 tog.) 7 times, k. 4. (46 sts.) Work 7 rows plain.
2nd dec. row: (K. 3 tog., k. 3) 7 times, k. 3 tog., k. 1. (30 sts.) Work 3 rows plain.
3rd dec. row: K. 2 tog. all along the row. (15 sts.) Work 3 rows plain.
4th dec. row: k. 1 (k. 2 tog.) 7 times (8 sts.)
Break off wool and fasten off as described for the outer piece. Work other half of lining in same way.
To make Up
Do not press. Sew the two pieces of the cover together on the wrong side, taking 1 st. from each side at a time.
Leave a gap for the spout on one side, and a longer gap for the handle on the other. The position of these openings can be correctly gauged by pinning the cosy over the teapot.
Now join the lining in the same way.
Turn the lining so that the wrong side is against the wrong side of the cover and sew them together.
Work a row of d.c. round the spout and handle openings and all round the edge of the tea-cosy in the main colour. Cover the top of the cosy with the flowers and leaves.
To Make the Flowers
Wind 2 or 3 strands of wool in different shades round a piece of cardboard measuring about 3/4 inch in width and 5 inches long for about 3 inches when making the larger flowers.
Thread another piece of wool into an embroidery needle and chain-stitch the loops together down one edge of the cardboard (Diagram 4). Draw the loops off and sew the two ends together securely to form a circle, then sew to the cosy.
Make about 12 of these flowers in assorted shades and sizes, and work a few satin-stitches in the center of the larger flowers in another colour (Diagram 5).
The Leaves
With the crochet hook and one shade of green wool make 4 ch.
1st row: 1 tr. into 3rd ch. from the hook, 1 tr. into the end ch., 3 ch., turn.
2nd row: 1 tr. into tr. over which the 3 ch. strands, 1 tr. into next 2 tr. (4 tr. altogether, counting the 3 ch. at beginning as 1 tr.), 3 ch., turn.
3rd row: 1 tr. into tr. over which 3 ch. strands, 1 tr. into next 3 tr. (5 tr.), 3 ch., turn.
4th row: Miss 1st tr. over which 3 ch. stands, 1 tr. into next 4 tr., 3 ch., turn.
5th row: 1 tr. into next 3 tr. (4 tr.), 3 ch., turn.
6th row: 1 tr. into next 2 tr. (3 tr.), 3 ch., turn.
7th row: 1 tr. into next tr. Fasten off.
Make about 6 of these leaves in different shades of green and mustard and sew to the cosy.
No. 3. Trimmed With crochet Flowers (Foot of cover)
2 ozs. of 3-ply fingering in blue for the main colour, an oddment in violet, and oddments to tone for the flowers, a pair of No. 10 knitting needles;
a crochet hook No. 10, for chain and flowers.
The cosy illustrated measures 15 ins. round the lower edge and is 8 ins. high, but any size can be made from these directions, adding extra stitches in multiples of 3.
See patterns above
Begin at the lower edge and cast on 120 sts. with No. 10 needles and violet wool. K. 1 row in the back of these sts.
The Ridge pattern consists of two rows:
1st row: * K. 2, p. 1; repeat from * to end of row.
2nd row: * K. 1, p. 1, k. 1; repeat from * to end of row.
Work 2 rows more the same colour, then 6 rows in blue or main colour, and 2 rows violet as at the beginning.
Fasten off the last colour.
Work 10 rows more in blue.
Now work 60 sts. only in blue leaving the remaining half unworked.
Work 17 rows more on these sts. and fasten off the wool.
Work 18 rows on the other 60 sts. (These 18 rows represent the depth of opening required for the spout.)
Work across the 120 sts. in pattern for another 50 rows.
Work two rows in violet. Work four rows in blue in rib as follows:
1st row: K. 2, p. 1 alternately to end.
2nd row: K. 1, p. 2 alternately to end.
The Lining
This is worked in the main colour.
Cast on 110 sts. and k. first 4 rows in Ridge pattern.
Now work 10 rows in s.s., then work 18 rows on half the sts. (55) as explained for the upper part of the cosy.
Work 18 rows in s.s. on the opposite 55 sts. and 50 rows across all 110 sts. Cast off.
To Make Up
Sew the lining to the outer cover, with the cast-off edge of the lining at the back of the last row of Ridge pattern, leaving the rib free to form a frill when drawn up. Sew the lower edge to the first row of Ridge pattern, then sew together the side edge of lining and upper. Now sew these joined edges together, leaving a space long enough to take the handle of the teapot, measuring the right position on the pot.
With the crochet hook make a chain about 18 inches long from three strands of violet wool and thread this in and out of the violet sts. below the top ribbing, then make a knot 1/2 inch from each end and fray the chains out.
Draw up and tie in a bow.
To Make a Flower
With the crochet hook make 5 chain and to first st. to form a ring.
2nd round: 1 d.c. into each st.
3rd round: 5 chain and 1 into each d.c. on last round. to first d.c. and fasten off.
Run the wool with a needle through to the centre. Knot with the original end, then cut off, leaving both ends about 2 inches long.
Make about 60 of these flowers in assorted colours and tie them together into loose bunches of six. Slip the tea-cosy over the teapot and arrange the bunches round the top in two rows below the drawn-up frill, with ends upwards
so that the bunches hand downwards. Sew in Position.
Printed in England and published by the Amalgamated Press, Ltd., The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Sole Agents Australia and New Zealand: Messrs. Gordon & Gotch, Ltd., S. Africa: The Central news Agency, Ltd., Northern and Southern Rhodesia: Messrs. Kingstons, Ltd.