Left: Plain Garter St Chevron
Right: Garter St Chevron With Purl Ridges
Left: Striped Slip St Chevron
Right: Eyelet Lace Chevron
Samples show small strips of chevron knitting, you can knit for whatever length you wish
We’ve all seen great stocking stitch chevron stitches in magazines and stitch dictionaries but I thought it would be interesting to give an old favourite a bit of texture for added interest.
Here are the 6 garter stitch versions of chevron st that I came up with. I had lots of fun working out the mathematics to get the edge points level with the middle points so I hope you enjoy them!
K= Knit
P= Purl
K2tog= Knit 2 together
P2tog= Purl 2 together
SSK= Slip Slip Knit. Slip 2 sts knitways one at a time, slip them back to the LH needle in their new twisted position. Knit them together.
Sl 1= Slip one stitch purlways
M1= Pick up loop lying between sts and knit into the back of it
RS= Right side of work
WS= Wrong side of work
All Versions
Cast on a multiple of 22sts plus 1.
On the cast off row (except for lace versions) work increases and decreases as you would for an ordinary RS row
Plain Garter St Chevron
Row 1: K1, SSK, K8, M1, K1, M1, (K8, SSK, K1, K2tog, K8, M1, K1, M1) rep to last 11sts, K8, K2tog, K1.
Row 2: K to end
Garter St Chevron With Purl Ridges (V1)
Row 1: Work as for Plain Garter St Chevron
Row 2: K11, (P1, K10) rep to last st, K1
Garter St Chevron With Purl Ridges (V2, not shown)
Row 1: Work as for Plain Garter St Chevron
Row 2: K11, (Sl 1, K10) rep to last st, K1
Striped Slip St Chevron
Worked in two contrasting colours, A and B
Row 1: Using colour A Work as for Plain Garter St Chevron
Row 2: K11, (Sl 1, K10) rep to last st, K1
Row 3: Change to colour B, K1, SSK, K8, M1, Sl 1, M1, (K8, SSK, Sl 1, K2tog, K8, M1, Sl 1, M1) rep to last 11sts, K8, K2tog, K1
Row 4: Work as for 2nd row
Eyelet Lace Chevron (V1)
Row 1: K1, SSK, (YO, K2tog) 4 times, YO, K1, YO [(K2tog, YO) 4 times, SSK, K1, K2tog, (YO, K2tog) 4 times, YO, K1, YO] rep to last 11sts, (K2tog, YO) 4 times, K2tog, K1
Row 2: K11, (P1, K10) rep to last st, K1
Row 3:K1, SSK, (YO, SSK) 4 times, YO, K1, YO [(SSK, YO) 4 times, SSK, K1, K2tog, (YO, SSK) 4 times, YO, K1, YO] rep to last 11sts, (SSK, YO) 4 times, K2tog, K1
Row 4: Work as for row 2
These 4 rows form the pattern, repeat as desired, ending on a RS row.
Cast off
Eyelet Lace Chevron (V2, not shown)
This version has a more pronounced V shape than version 1
Row 1: K1, SSK, (YO, K2tog) 4 times, M1, K1, M1 [(K2tog, YO) 4 times, SSK, K1, K2tog, (YO, K2tog) 4 times, M1, K1, M1] rep to last 11sts, (K2tog, YO) 4 times, K2tog, K1
Row 2: K11, (P1, K10) rep to last st, K1
Row 3: K1, SSK, (YO, SSK) 4 times, M1, K1, M1 [(SSK, YO) 4 times, SSK, K1, K2tog, (YO, SSK) 4 times, M1, K1, M1] rep to last 11sts, (SSK, YO) 4 times, K2tog, K1
Row 4: Work as for row 2
Cast off as for version 1
Copyright © 1997 Sarah Bradberry