I originally designed this cable for use with a 12 ply yarn and pebble beads, but it would look great with any yarn as long as you choose a suitable weight bead to match.
Please note: The beads will be sideways compared to those shown in the photo as the sample was knit on a knitting machine.
See chart legend for abbreviations
R1 (RS): k3, c2 over 2 left, k3
R2 (WS): p10
R3: k2, c2 over 1 right, c2 over 1 left, k2
R4: p10
R5: k1, c2 over 1 right, k2, c2 over 1 left, k1
R6: p10
R7: c2 over 1 right, Bead, k2, Bead, c2 over 1 left
R8: p10
R9: k10
R10: p3, bring yarn to front, Bead, take yarn to back, p2, bring yarn to front, Bead, take yarn to back, p3
R11: c2 over 1 left, k4, c2 over 1 right
R12: p10
R13: k1, c2 over 1 left, k2, c2 over 1 right, k1
R14: p10
R15: k2, c2 over 1 left, c2 over 1 right, k2
R16: p10
Copyright © 1996 Sarah Bradberry