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Argyll Socks for Men

argyle socks
These socks are knit flat using the intarsia method and seamed


Patons Beehive Fingering 4 ply
Dark Grey – 3 ozs.
Navy – 1 oz.
Light Grey – 1 oz.
Small quantity of Red Wool.

Knitting Needles, 1 pair UK No 12/2.75mm/US 2


Foot – 10½, 11 or 11½ ins.


G = Dark Grey,

S = Silver (Light Grey),

N = Navy,

R = Red.


It is absolutely necessary to work at a tension to produce 8½ stitches to the inch in width.


It will be necessary to wind the Navy and Light Grey into two balls and cut four strands of Red each 3 yards long. Join each section of colour by twisting colour to be used, round underneath to right of colour just used.

Using Dk. Grey Wool, cast on 64 stitches.

1st row: K3, * P2, K2, repeat from * to last st, K1.

2nd row: K1, * P2, K2, repeat from * to last 3 sts, P2, K1.

Repeat these two rows for 4 ins, ending with 2nd row, and dec once at each end of needle in last row. Break off Grey.

Proceed as follows:

1st row: Using Navy Wool, K2, * join in Dk. Grey, K13G, join in length of Red, K1R, join in another length of Red, K1R, K13 in Dk. Grey, * join in Silver, K2S, repeat from * to * once, join in Navy, K2N.

2nd row: K1N, P1N, P13G, P2R, P13G, P2S, P13G, P2R, P13G, P1N, K1N.

3rd row: K3N, K11G, K1R, K2G, K1R, K11G, K4S, K11G, K1R, K2G, K1R, K11G, K3N.

4th row: K1N, P2N, P11G, P1R, P2G, P1R, P11G, P4S, P11G, P1R, P2G, P1R, P11G, P2N, K1N.

5th row: K4N, K9G, K1R, K4G, K1R, K9G, K6S, K9G, K1R, K4G, K1R, K9G, K4N.

6th row: K1N, P3N, P9G, P1R, P4G, P1R, P9G, P6S, P9G, P1R, P4G, P1R, P9G, P3N, K1N.

7th row: K5N, K7G, K1R, K6G, K1R, K7G, K8S, K7G, K1R, K6G, K1R, K7G, K5N.

8th row: K1N, P4N, P7G, P1R, P6G, P1R, P7G, P8S, P7G, P1R, P6G, P1R, P7G, P4N, K1N.

9th row: K6N, K5G, K1R, K8G, K1R, K5G, K10S, K5G, K1R, K8G, K1R, K5G, K6N.

10th row: K1N, P5N, P5G, P1R, P8G, P1R, P5G, P10S, P5G, P1R, P8G, P1R, P5G, P5N, K1N.

11th row: K7N, K3G, K1R, K10G, K1R, K3G, K12S, K3G, K1R, K10G, K1R, K3G, K7N.

12th row: K1N, P6N, P3G, P1R, P10G, P1R, P3G, P12S, P3G, P1R, P10G, P1R, P3G, P6N, K1N.

13th row: K8N, K1G, K1R, K12G, K1R, K1G, K14S, K1G, K1R, K12G, K1R, K1G, K8N.

14th row: K1N, P7N, P1G, P1R, P12G, P1R, P1G, P14S, P1G, P1R, P12G, P1R, P1G, P7N, K1N.

15th row: K8N, K1R, K14G, K1R, K14S, K1R, K14G, K1R, K8N.

16th row: K1N, P7N, P1R, P14G, P1R, P14S, P1R, P14G, P1R, P7N, K1N.

17th row: K7N, K1R, K2N, K12G, K2S, K1R, K12S, K1R, K2S, K12G, K2N, K1R, K7N.

18th row: K1N, P6N, P1R, P2N, P12G, P2S, P1R, P12S, P1R, P2S, P12G, P2N, P1R, P6N, K1N.

19th row: K6N, K1R, K4N, K10G, K4S, K1R, K10S, K1R, K4S, K10G, K4N, K1R, K6.

20th row: K1N, P5N, P1R, P4N, P10G, P4S, P1R, P10S, P1R, P4S, P10G, P4N, P1R, P5N, K1N.

21st row: K5N, K1R, K6N, K8G, K6S, K1R, K8S, K1R, K6S, K8G, K6N, K1R, K5N.

22nd row: K1N, P4N, P1R, P6N, P8G, P6S, P1R, P8S, P1R, P6S, P8G, P6N, P1R, P4N, K1N

23rd row: K4N, K1R, K8N, K6G, K8S, K1R, K6S, K1R, K8S, K6G, K8N, K1R, K4.

24th row: K1N, P3N, P1R, P8N, P6G, P8S, P1R, P6S, P1R, P8S, P6G, P8N, P1R, P3N, K1N.

25th row: K3N, K1R, K10N, K4G, K10S, K1R, K4S, K1R, K10S, K4G, K10N, K1R, K3N.

26th row: K1N, P2N, P1R, P10N, P4G, P10S, P1R, P4S, P1R, P10S, P4G, P10N, P1R, P2N, K1N.

27th row: K2N, K1R, K12N, K2G, K12S, K1R, K2S, K1R, K12S, K2G, K12N, K1R, K2N.

28th row: K1N, P1N, P1R, P12N, P2G, P12S, P1R, P2S, P1R, P12S, P2G, P12N, P1R, P1N, K1N.

29th row: K1N, K1R, K14N, K14S, K2R, K14S, K14N, K1R, K1N.

30th row: K1N, P1R, P14N, P14S, P2R, P14S, P14N, P1R, K1N.

Repeat 27th and 28th rows once, then 25th and 26th rows once.

Continue working pattern in reverse in this manner until 56 rows have been worked from commencement (56th row should be like 4th row).

57th row: K2N, K13G, K2R, K13G, K2S, K13G, K2R, K13G, K2N. Break off Navy and Silver.

58th row: Join in Silver, K1S, P1S, P13G, P2R, P13G, join in Navy, P2N, P13G, P2R, P13G, join in Silver, P1S, K1S.

Repeat from 3rd to 30th row once, using Silver in place of Navy and Navy in place of Silver.

Still using these colours, repeat 27th and 28th rows once, 25th and 26th rows once, 23rd and 24th rows once, 21st and 2 2nd rows once, 19th and 20th rows once, 17th and 18th rows once, then 15th row once. Break off Silver and last ball of Dk. Grey.

chart for first 71 rows of argyle patterning

Notes on using the chart: red stitches 16 and 17, 46 and 47 should be knit using separate lengths of yarn so there will be no stranding on the back of your work. Wrong side rows should begin and end with a knit stitch. All other stitches are purl. After following the chart, please follow the text pattern as decreases are formed within the argyle patterning after the heel has been worked.

Using Dk. Grey Wool, in next row K1, P15, turn.

Work on these 16 sts. as follows:

1st row: Knit.

2nd row: K1, P14, K1.

Repeat 1st and 2nd rows twelve times, then I st row once.

Shape heel as follows:

1st row: K1, P3, P2tog, turn.

2nd and alternate rows: Knit.

3rd row: K1, P4, P2tog, turn.

5th row: K1, P5, P2tog, turn.

7th row: K1, P6, P2tog, turn.

9th row: K1, P7, P2tog, turn.

11th row: K1, P8, P2tog Break off Wool.

Join in Dk. Grey and work in pattern across next 30 sts. (for instep), then still using Dk. Grey purl to last st, K1.

In next row K16, turn.

Work on these 16 sts as follows:

1st row: K1, purl to last st, K1.

2nd row: Knit.

Repeat 1st and 2nd rows eleven times, then 1st row once.

Shape heel as follows:

1st row: K4, K2tog, turn.

2nd and alternate rows: Purl to last st, K1.

3rd row: K5, K2tog, turn.

5th row: K6, K2tog, turn.

7th row: K7, K2tog, turn.

9th row: K8, K2tog, turn.

11th row: K9, K2tog

12th row: K1, purl to last st, K1.

13th row: K10, knit up 18 sts. at side of heel; K6G, K1R, K1G, K14N, K1G, K1R, K6G across instep sts, knit up 18 sts at other side of heel and remaining 10 sts of heel (86 sts).

Shape for instep as follows:

1st row: K1G, P33G, P1R, P1G, P14N, P1G, P1R, P33G, K1G.

2nd row: K26G, K2togG, K5G, K1R, K3G, K12N, K3G, K1R, K5G, K2tog tbl in G, K26G.

3rd row: K1G, P31G, P1R, P3G, P12N, P3G, P1R, P31G, K1G.

4th row: K25G, K2togG, K4G, K1R, K5G, K10N, K5G, K1R, K4G, K2tog tbl in G, K25G.

5th row: K1G, P29G, P1R, P5G, P10N, P5G, P1R, P29G, K1G.

6th row: K24G, K2togG, K3G, K1R, K7G, K8N, K7G, K1R, K3G, K2tog tbl in G, K24G.

7th row: K1G, P27G, P1R, P7G, P8N, P7G, P1R, P27G, K1G.

8th row: K23G, K2togG, K2G, K1R, K9G, K6N, K9G, K1R, K2G, K2tog tbl in G, K23G.

9th row: K1G, P25G, P1R, P9G, P6N, P9G, P1R, P25G, K1G.

10th row: K22G, K2togG, K1G, K1R, K11G, K4N, K11G, K1R, K1G, K2tog tbl in G, K22G.

11th row: K1G, P23G, P1R, P11G, P4N, P11G, P1R, P23G, K1G.

12th row: K21G, K2togG, K1R, K13G, K2N, break off Navy, K13G, K1R, K2tog tbl in G, K21G.

13th row: K1G, P21G, P1R, P13G, join in Silver, P2S, P13G, P1R, P21G, K1G.

14th row: K20G, K2togG, K1G, K1R, K11G, K4S, K11G, K1R, K1G, K2tog tbl in G, K20G.

15th row: K1G, P21G, P1R, P11G, P4S, P11G, P1R, P21G, K1G.

16th row: K19G, K2togG, K2G, K1R, K9G, K6S, K9G, K1R, K2G, K2tog tbl in G, K19G.

17th row: K1G, P21G, P1R, P9G, P6S, P9G, P1R, P21G, K1G.

18th row: K18G, K2togG, K3G, K1R, K7G, K8S, K7G, K1R, K3G, K2tog tbl in G, K18G.

19th row: K1G, P21G, P1R, P7G, P8S, P7G, P1R, P21G, K1G.

20th row: K17G, K2togG, K4G, K1R, K5G, K10S, K5G, K1R, K4G, K2tog tbl in G, K17G.

21st row: K1G, P21G, P1R, P5G, P10S, P5G, P1R, P21G, K1G.

22nd row: K16G, K2togG, K5G, K1R, K3G, K12S, K3G, K1R, K5G, K2tog tbl in G, K16G.

23rd row: K1G, P21G, P1R, P3G, P12S, P3G, P1R, P21G, K1G.

24th row: K15G, K2togG, K6G, K1R, K1G, K14S, K1G, K1R, K6G, K2tog tbl in G, K15G (62 sts).

Still working pattern on centre 30 sts, work 45 rows without shaping.

Continue in Dk. Grey until foot measures (from where sts were knitted up at side of heel):

7 ins for 10½-in foot.
7½ ins for 11-in foot.
8 ins for 11½-in foot,
ending with a purl row, and dec. once at each end of needle in last row

Shape for toe as follows:

1st row: K13, K2tog, K2, K2tog tbl, K24, K2tog, K2, K2tog tbl, K13.

2nd and alternate rows: K1, purl to last st, K1.

3rd row: K12, K2tog, K2, K2tog tbl, K22, K2tog, K2, K2tog tbl, K12.

5th row: K1l, K2tog, K2, K2tog tbl, K20, K2tog, K2, K2tog tbl, K1l.

Continue dec 4 sts in this manner in every alternate row until 20 sts remain, ending with a purl row.

Slip sts on to a length of wool.

Work another Sock in same manner.

To Make Up Socks

With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron press lightly.

Using a flat seam, sew up seams.

Divide sts evenly on to two needles with seam to centre, and graft toe sts together.

The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however this digital version with updated language and additional charts is copyright Sarah Bradberry, July 14th 2012. All rights reserved.