Materials and Size
Patons Beehive Pearl-Knit, 2-Ply or Patons Beehive Lady Betty, 3-Ply
Width across centre 50 ins – 5 balls
Knitting Needles, 1 pair UK No 5/5.5mm/US 9
To get measurement it is absolutely necessary to work at a tension of 5½ sts to the inch in width measured over a plain, smooth fabric.
Cast on 8 stitches.
1st row: Knit, working into back of every row.
2nd row: * yo, K1, rep from * to end of row.
3rd and alt rows: Knit.
4th row: * yo, K2, rep from * to end of row.
6th row: * yo, K3, rep from * to end of row.
Continue in this manner until the row ”* yo, K35, rep from * to end of row” has been worked. (288 sts)
Work border as follows:
1st row: K3, * (yo, K1) six times, K6, rep from * to last 9 sts, (yo, K1) six times, K3. (432 sts).
2nd-4th rows: Knit.
5th row: (K2tog) three times, * (yo, K1) six times, (K2tog) six times, rep from * to last 12 sts, (yo, K1) six times, (K2tog) three times.
6th-8th rows: Knit.
Work rows 5-8 inclusive sixteen times.
Next row: * yo, K2tog, rep from * to end
Next row: Knit to end of row, turn, cast on 8 sts for stitches lace edging.
Work lace edging as follows:
1st row: K8, turn.
2nd row: Slip 1, K5, yo, K2.
3rd row: Yo, K2tog, K6, K2tog, turn.
4th row: Slip 1, K4, yo, K2tog, yo, K2
5th row: Yo, K2tog, K7, K2tog, turn.
6th row: Slip 1, K3, (yo, K2tog) twice, yo, K2.
7th row: Yo, K2tog, K8, K2tog, turn.
8th row: Slip 1, K2, (yo, K2tog) three times, yo, K2
9th row: Yo, K2tog, K9, K2tog, turn.
10th row: Slip 1, K2, K2tog, (yo, K2tog) three times, K1.
11th row: As 7th row.
12th row: Slip 1, K3, K2tog, (yo, K2tog) twice, K1.
13th row: As 5th row.
14th row: Slip 1, K4, K2tog, yo, K2tog, K1.
15th row: As 3rd row.
16th row: Slip 1, K5, K2tog, K1.
17th row: Yo, K2tog, K5, K2tog, turn.
Continue as on rows 2-17 inclusive until all border sts have been worked off. Cast off loosely.

To Make Up
Using a flat seam sew edges together to form circle, taking care not to tighten up when working seam. Press seam. Roll Shawl in a damp towel for several hours, then spread out flat in a circle to given measurement, pin each point out separately with rustless pins and leave until dry.
The original version of this pattern is in the public domain, however this digital version and all charts are copyright Sarah Bradberry, May 19th 2012. All rights reserved.