Half and ounce each of two colours of worsted weight yarn.
4.5mm needles
20sts to 10cm (4inches) over st on 4.5mm needles
Cast on 130sts and work 8 rows stocking stitch. Use a knitted on cast on (as if you were knitting the stitch, but place the loop on the needle instead of knitting the stitch normally). This is important or your cast on edge will form large loops when you drop the stitches at the end.
Change colour and continue working in stripes of 8 rows of each colour until you have worked a total of 8 stripes.
Cast off loosely, at the same time drop every 5th stitch off the needle and let it ladder down to the cast on edge.
Fold scarf in half lengthways and sew long edges together. Gather ends and attach tassels or pompons.
The original version of this pattern is from Godey’s Lady’s Book, September 1860 and is in the public domain. This updated version of the pattern is Copyright 2000 Sarah Bradberry. All rights reserved.