Knit on two needles
1 ounce 4-ply (fingering weight) wool;
1 pair of Old UK No. 12 / US 2 / Metric 2.75mm knitting needles.
No gauge was given in the original pattern
Sized to fit little girls aged 5 to 7 years.
- k, knit;
- P., purl;
- sts, stitches;
- ins., inches;
- tog., together;
- inc., increase;
- dec., decrease;
- patt, pattern;
- rep., repeat;
- st st, stocking stitch (right side k, wrong side p);
- rds., rounds;
- beg., beginning;
- dr., draw;
- R.H., right hand;
- L.H., left hand;
- RSF, right side facing;
- SSK, Slip two together as if to knit, pass them back onto the left hand needle in their new twisted position and knit together. You could also work this decrease as “Slip 1, knit 1, pass the slip stitch over the stitch just knit”;
- sl., slip;
- cont., continue;
- rem., remaining.
Right Hand Glove
Cast on 44 sts. and work 2 ins. in K1, P1 rib, then work in patt. as follows:
1st row: K2, (P2, K2) 6 times, K18.
2nd row: P18, K2, (P2, K2) 6 times.
Rep. these 2 rows twice more.
Commence Thumb Gusset:
7th row: Patt. 26 sts. (patt. consists of K2, P2, rep. 6 times, K2), K3 into the next st., K17.
8th and 10th rows: P20, patt. 26.
9th row: Patt. 26, K20.
11th row: Patt. 26, inc. into the next st., K1, inc. into the next st., K. to end.
Rep. the last 4 rows 4 times more, allowing for extra sts. on thumb gusset after each inc.
Work 1 more row.
Patt. 26, K14, turn.
Next row: P14, turn, cast on 3 sts., cont. in on these 17sts. for 1½ ins. (or length required).
Shape top as follows:
1st row: K3, K2tog, SSK, K3, K2tog, SSK, K3.
2nd row: P.
3rd row: K2, K2tog, SSK, K1, K2tog, SSK, K2.
Break off wool. thread through the remaining sts. fasten off securely and stitch down seam of thumb.
R.S.F.: Join on wool and pick up 3 sts. from base of thumb, K. across remaining sts. (45 sts).
Work 13 rows, keeping continuity of patt. on back of hand and st. st. across palm.
First Finger
Patt. 26, K3, turn.
Next row: P13, turn, and cast on 3 sts.
Cont. in st. st. on these 16 sts. for 1¾ ins. (or length required). Shape top.
1st row: * SSK, K4, K2tog, rep. from *
2nd row: P.
3rd row: * SSK. K2, K2tog, rep. from *.
Break off wool and finish off as for thumb.
Second Finger
(R.S.F.): Pick up 3 sts. from the base of the First Finger, K5, turn,
Next row: P13, turn, cast on 3 sts.
Cont. in st.-st. on these 16 sts. for 2 1/8 ins. (or length required) and finish as for First Finger.
Third Finger
(R.S.F.): Pick up 3 sts. from the base of the Second Finger, K5, turn.
Next row: P13, turn, and cast on 3 sts.
Work in st. st. on these 16 sts. for 1¾ ins.
Finish off as for First Finger.
Fourth Finger
(R.S.F.): Pick up 3 sts. from the base of the Third Finger, Knit to end.
Cont. in st. st. on these 15 sts. for 1½ ins. (or length required).
Shape as follows:
1st row: SSK, K3, K2tog, K1, SSK, K3, K2tog.
2nd row: P.
3rd row: SSK, K1, K2tog, K1, SSK, K1, K2tog.
Finish off as for First Finger and sew right down seam of glove.
Left Hand Glove
Work exactly as for R.H. glove, but read patt. rows in reverse, i.e., 1st row will read as follows: K18, * K2, P2, rep. from * to the last 2 sts., K2.
For commencement of thumb gusset work thus: K16, K3 into the next st., K1, patt. 26.
When the thumb increases have been completed work thumb as follows: K30, turn, cast on 3 sts. and P17 back.
Cont. in st. st. on these 17 sts. and make thumb as for R.H.
Pick up 3 sts. from base of thumb and cont. across all sts. for length required.
First Finger
(R.S.F.): K29, turn, cast on 3 sts., P16 sts. back, and cont. on these 16 sts. as for First Finger R.H.
Second Finger
(R.S.F.): Pick up 3 sts. from base of First Finger, K5, turn, cast on 3 sts., and P16 back.
Cont. on these 16 sts. as for Second Finger R.H.
Third Finger
(R.S.F.): Pick up 3 sts. from the base of Second Finger, K5, turn, cast on 3 sts., and P16 back.
Cont. on these 16 sts. as for Third Finger R.H.
Fourth Finger
(R.S.F.): Pick up 3 sts. from the base of Third Finger and K. to end. Work as for Fourth Finger R.H.
The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however the text of this updated version is Copyright Sarah Bradberry, May 25th 2013. All rights reserved.