“News Item” is a vintage knitting pattern from the 1940’s. These gloves feature an attractive garter stitch rib throughout and are sized to fit an adult man. These gloves are knit flat on 2 needles.
This pattern uses straight US Size 3 needles and DK weight yarn.
3 oz. of DK weight wool
1 pair of US Size 3 knitting needles
To fit an average hand.
6 stitches and 8.5 rows per square inch
K – knit
P – purl
kfb – knit through the front and back of the next loop, increasing one
k2tog – knit two stitches together
Right-Hand Glove
Cast on 44 stitches and work 2.5 inches in k1-p1 rib, beginning the first row with a knit stitch. Then, work in pattern as follows:
Row 1: knit round
Row 2: p21, (p1, k1) until one stitch remains, p1.
These two rows are the entire pattern.
Repeat pattern twice more.
Thumb Gusset
1st Row: k23, kfb into next stitch, k20.
2nd Row: p22, (p1, k1) to end.
3rd Row: k23, kfb into each of next two stitches, k20.
4th Row: p24, (p1, k1) to end.
5th Row: knit round.
6th Row: p24, (p1, k1) to end.
7th Row: k23, kfb, k2, kfb, knit to end.
Repeat the last four rows, allowing for 2 extra stitches in the thumb gusset after each repeat, until there are 11 extra stitches (55 stitches).
Work 3 rows after the last increase row without further shaping.
NOTE: The pattern on the back of the hand is continued right up to commencement of fingers, while the palm, thumb, and fingers are worked in regular stockinette stitch throughout.
With the right side facing: k36, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next row: p14, turn, cast on 1 stitch (15 stitches).
Continue in stockinette stitch on these 15 stitches for 2.25 inches or to desired length (measured as .25 inches from the tip of the thumb).
Shape the Top
NOTE: This shaping applies to the tops of all fingers.
1st Row (RS): (k1, k2tog) to end.
2nd Row: Purl to end.
3rd Row: k2tog all stitches.
Break yarn, thread through remaining stitches, pull taut, and use yarn to sew the seam down to the base of thumb.
With the right side facing, rejoin the yarn, pick up and knit two stitches from the base of the thumb, knit to end.
Continue across all 44 stitches, keeping pattern in the back of the hand, for 1.5 inches (or required length to the base of the 1st finger), ending with a wrong-side row.
First Finger (Pointer)
K29, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p13 back, turn, cast on 1 stitch (14 stitches).
Continue on these 14 stitches in stockinette stitch for 2.75 inches (or desired length). Shape top and sew down seam.
Second Finger (Middle)
With right side facing, rejoin yarn, pick up and k2 from the base of Pointer, k5, turn, and cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p14, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Continue in stockinette on these 15 stitches for 3.25 inches (or desired length). Shape top and sew down seam.
Third Finger (Ring)
Rejoin yarn, pick up and knit 2 stitches from the base of the Middle finger, k5, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p13 back, turn, and cast on 1 stitch.
Continue in stockinette on these 14 stitches for 2.75 inches (or desired length). Shape top and sew down seam.
[edit]Fourth Finger (Pinky)
Rejoin yarn, pick up and knit 2 stitches from the base of the Ring finger, knit to end (13 stitches). Continue in stockinette stitch on these 13 stitches for 2.25 inches (or desired length). Shape top and sew down seam all the way to the wrist edge.
Left-Hand Glove
Work as for the Right Hand to completion of ribbing, but begin 1st row of ribbing with p1. Work as follows:
1st Row: Knit.
2nd Row: p1, (k1, p1) until 21 stitches remain, p21.
Repeat these 1 rows twice more.
Thumb Gusset
1st Row: k19, kfb, k to end.
2nd Row: Pattern across 23 stitches, p22.
3rd Row: k19, kfb into next two stitches, k to end.
4th Row: Pattern across 23 stitches, p24.
5th Row: Knit round.
6th Row: Pattern 23 stitches, p24.
7th Row: k19, kfb, k2, kfb, k to end.
Continue repeating the last four rows, allowing for 2 extra stitches in the thumb gusset after each repeat, until there are 11 extra stitches on the needle (55 stitches). Work three rows after the last increase row.
With right side facing: k32, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p14, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Continue with these 15 stitches in stockinette for 2.25 inches as with the right-hand thumb. Shape top and seam.
Rejoin yarn and pick up 2 stitches from the base of the thumb. Work to correspond with the right hand until base of fingers, ending with a wrong-side row.
First Finger (Pointer)
1st Row: k27, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p13 back, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Continue these 14 stitches in stockinette to length. Shape top and seam.
Second Finger (Middle)
Rejoin yarn, pick up and knit 2 stitches from the base of the Pointer finger, k6, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p14 back, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Continue these 15 stitches in stockinette to length. Shape top and seam.
Third Finger (Ring)
Rejoin yarn, pick up and knit 2 stitches from the base of the Middle finger, k5, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Next Row: p13 back, turn, cast on 1 stitch.
Continue these 14 stitches in stockinette to length. Shape top and seam.
Fourth Finger (Pinky)
Rejoin yarn, pick up and knit 2 stitches from the base of the Ring finger, knit to end.
Continue these 13 stitches in stockinette to length. Shape top and seam down to wrist edge.
Press the gloves carefully to block, omitting the ribbing.