“Misty Morn” gloves are a vintage pattern from the early 1940’s. They feature a textured knit/purl stitch in fingering weight yarn and are knit on 4 needles. Sized to fit women.
2 oz of 4-ply Botany Finger Wool
1 set of 4 double-pointed knitting needles (DPNs) in Size US-1, UK size 13, 2.25mm
To fit a size 6-1/2 hand.
8.5 stitches to the inch
K – knit
P – purl
kfb – Knit in the front and back of the same stitch to increase one stitch.
k2tog – knit two stitches together.
Note: The pattern for the hands of the gloves is as follows. The thumb and fingers are worked throughout in stockinette stitch.
Row 1: *k1, p1; rep from * to end.
Row 2: Repeat Row 1.
Row 3: Knit.
Row 4: *p1, k1; rep from * to end.
Row 5: Repeat Row 4.
Row 6: Knit.
These six rounds comprise the pattern.
Right-Hand Glove
Cast on 52 stitches on three needles – 18, 18, and 16 stitches. Join, taking care not to twist stitches, and for in k2, p2 ribbing for 2-1/2 inches.
Now work 8 rounds of the pattern.
Row 9: Knit as for the third pattern round and commence the thumb gusset as follows: k2, p1, (kfb) twice, p1, knit to end of round.
Row 10: 2sts in pattern (as 4th pattern round), p1, k4, p1, pattern to end of round.
Row 11: As Row 5 of pattern but keeping the thumb stitches correct.
Row 12: (Knit as the 6th round of the pattern) Patt 2, p1, kfb, k2, kfb, p1, pattern to end.
Continue in this way, increasing into the knit stitch immediately after and before the purl stitches which mark the thumb gusset in every third round until there are 14 stitches between the purl stitches. Work three rounds without increasing.
Next Round: Patt. 2, place the next 16 stitches for thumb (p1, k14, p1) on waste yarn and leave until required. Cast on 4 stitches in place of thumb stitches and continue in pattern on all stitches for 1-1/4 inches, finishing at the end of a round.
First Finger (Pointer)
Knit 7 stitches off of the first needle, place all but the last 7 stitches on waste yarn, cast on 4 stitches, knit the last 7 stitches left on the third needle (18 stitches). Arrange on three needles and knit every round for 2-3/4 inches (or length required).
Shape Top
This shaping applies to the top of all fingers and thumb.
1st Round: (k1, k2tog) to end.
2nd Round: Knit to end.
3rd Round: k2tog to end.
Break yarn, lace through remaining stitches, pull together and fasten off securely.
Second Finger (Middle Finger)
Knit 7 off beginning of waste yarn, cast on 3 stitches, knit last seven from waste yarn, then pick up and knit 3 stitches from base of Pointer finger (20 stitches). Arrange on three needles and knit for 3 inches (or length required). Shape top as for Pointer and finish.
Third Finger (Ring Finger)
Knit 6 off of beginning of waste yarn, cast on 3 stitches, knit last three from waste yarn, then pick up three from base of Middle finger (18 stitches). Arrange on three needles and knit for 2-1/3 inches (or required length). Shape top as for Pointer and finish.
Fourth Finger (Pinky)
Knit remaining 12 stitches from the waste yarn and also pick up and knit 4 stitches from the base of Ring finger (16 stitches). Arrange on three needles and knit for 2 inches (or length required). Shape as for Pointer and finish off.
Knit the 16 gusset stitches, pick up and knit 4 stitches from base of thumb (20 stitches). Arrange on three needles and knit for 2 inches (or length required). Shape top as for Pointer and finish.
Left-Hand Glove
This is worked in the same way as the Right Hand glove except that the thumb gusset is formed at the end of the third needle instead of at the beginning of the first needle.
Thus, the 9th round and the commencement of the thumb gusset will read as follows:
“Work in pattern until 6 stitches remain, p1, (kfb) twice, p1, pattern 2. Continue making increases at each side of the gusset until the same number of rounds have been worked as for the right-hand glove. Then continue the glove as for the right hand”.