2 balls of any of the following:
Patons Fuzzy Wuzzy Angora, 55% angora / 45% wool or
Patons Catkin Fleck Yarn 90% wool / 10% cotton or
Patons Patonyle Knitting Yarn 85% wool / 15% nylon
All of these yarns are fingering weight
If you choose to embroider your gloves you will also need a small quantity of contrasting colour or iridescent beads
If you choose to cross stitch on your gloves you will need a small amount of a contrasting colour yarn.
1 pair of old UK No 13 / US 1 / Metric 2.25mm needles
8½ sts per inch worked over stocking stitch on 2.25mm needles
The Right Hand Glove
** Cast on 52 stitches.
1st row: K1, * K2, P2, rep. from * to last 3 sts., K3.
2nd row: K1, * P2, K2, rep. from * to last 3 sts., P2, K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows fourteen times, dec. once at each end of needle in last row.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows three times. **
9th row: K26, inc. once in next st., K2, inc. once in next st., K20.
Rep. 2nd row once, then 1st and 2nd rows once.
13th row: K26, inc. once in next st., K4, inc. once in next st., K20.
Rep. 2nd row once, then 1st and 2nd rows once.
Continue in this manner, inc. in next and every following 4th row until there are 64 sts. on needle.
Rep. 2nd row once.
The Thumb
Next row: K44, turn, K1, P16, cast on 4 sts., turn.
Work on these 21 sts. as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows twelve times (the length of Thumb and Fingers may be varied to suit individual requirements).
Proceed as follows:
1st row: (K2tog, K1) seven times.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
3rd row: (K2tog, K1) four times, K2tog
4th row: As 2nd row.
Break off wool, run end through remaining sts., draw up and fasten off securely.
With right side of work facing, join in wool and knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of Thumb, knit across remaining 20 sts. (51 sts)
Proceed a follows:
1st row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
2nd row: Knit.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows eight times, then 1st row once.
The First Finger
Next row: K33, turn.
Next row: K1, P14, cast on 4 sts., turn.
Work on these 19 sts. as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows fourteen times.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: (K1, K2tog ) six times, K1.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
3rd row: (K1, K2tog) four times, K1.
4th row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Finish off as given for Thumb.
The Second Finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of First Finger, K6, turn, K1, P15, cast on 4 sts., turn.
Work on these 20 sts. as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows sixteen times.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: (K1, K2tog) six times, K2tog
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
3rd row: (K1, K2tog) four times, K1.
4th row: As 2nd row.
Finish off as given for Thumb.
The Third Finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of Second Finger, K6, turn.
Next row: K1, P15, cast on 4 sts., turn.
Work on these 20 sts. as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows fourteen times.
Dec. and finish off as given for Second Finger.
The Fourth Finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of Third Finger, K6, turn.
Next row: K1, P14, K1.
Work on these 16 sts. as follows:
1st row: Knit.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows eleven times.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: (K1, K2tog) five times, K1.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
3rd row: (K1, K2tog) three times, K2.
4th row: As 2nd row.
Finish off as given for Thumb.
The Left Hand Glove
Work as given from ** to ** for Right Glove.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: K20, inc. once in next st., K2, inc. once in next st., K26.
2nd row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
3rd row: Knit.
4th row: As 2nd row.
5th row: K20, inc. once in next st., K4, inc. once in next st., K.26.
Continue inc. in this manner in every following 4th row until there are 64 sts. on needle.
Rep. 2nd row once.
The Thumb
Next row: K37, cast on 4 sts., turn,
K1, P19, K1, turn.
Work on these 21 sts. as given for thumb of Right Glove.
With right side of work facing, knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of Thumb and knit across remaining 27 sts. (thus working all 51 sts. on to one needle).
Proceed as follows:
1st row: K1, purl to last st., K1.
2nd row: Knit.
Rep. 1st and 2nd rows eight times, then 1st row once.
The First Finger
Next row: K33 , cast on 4 sts., turn.
In following row: K1, P17, K1.
Work on these 19 sts. as given for First Finger of Right Glove.
The Second Finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of First Finger, K6, cast on 4 sts., turn.
Next row: K1, P18, K1.
Work on these 20 sts. as given for Second Finger of Right Glove.
The Third Finger
With right side of work facing, knit up 4 sts. from 4 cast-on sts. at base of Second Finger, K6, cast on 4 sts., turn.
Next row: K1, P18, K1.
Work on these 20 sts. as given for Third Finger of Right Glove.
The Fourth Finger
Work as given for Fourth Finger of Right Glove.
With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly.
Using a flat seam, sew up Thumb and Fingers.
If desired, embroider Fuzzy Wuzzy Gloves with iridescent beads, and Patonyle Gloves from chart, in cross stitch, using contrasting colour.
Sew up side seams.
Left (or top): Chart for the left hand glove
Right (or bottom): Chart for the right hand glove.
The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however, the updated text and all charts in this version are copyright Sarah Bradberry, May 27th 2013. All rights reserved.