3 Skeins (1 oz) Lincoln Mills “Daphne” Crochet Wool.
The original garment was knitted in Shades Nos. 341 (Gold- 8 skeins), 331 (Brown- 1 skein).
l set of 4 double pointed knitting needles, UK No 10/3.25mm/US 3. 1 pair of UK No 8/4mm/US 6 knitting needles.
To fit 38 inch chest Length from shoulder to lower edge, 23 inches.
9 sts and 10 rows to 1 inch.
Using 2 of the No. 10 needles, cast on 116 sts With the Brown wool.
1st Row: Slip 1, * K1, P1; Repeat from * to last st, K1.
2nd Row: Slip 1, * K1, Slip 1; Repeat from * to last st, K1.
3rd Row: As 1st row.
Break off Brown wool and Join Gold wool.
Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows, 19 times, then the 2nd row once.
Next Row (wrong side of work facing) increase once in each of the first 4 sts, * P1. Increase in next st Repeat from * to end of row. (176 sts)
Change to No. 8 needles.
1st Row: K1, Slip 1, K4, * Slip 2, K4. Repeat from * to end of row, finishing Slip 1, K1.
2nd Row: K1, Slip 1, P4, * Slip 2, P4. Repeat from * to end of row, finishing Slip 1, K1.
3rd Row: K1, * slip next st on to spare needle and place at front of work, K2, knit slipped st Slip next 2 sts on to Spare needle, place at back of work, K1, knit the 2 slipped sts Repeat from * to last st, K1.
4til Row: K1, purl to last st, K1.
5th Row: K3, * Slip 2, K4. Repeat to last 5 sts, Slip 2, K3.
6th Row: K1, P2, * Slip 2, P4. Repeat from * to last 5 sts, Slip 2, P2, K1.
7th Row: K1, * slip next 2 sts on to spare needle and place at back of work, K1, knit slipped sts, slip next st onto spare needle and place in front of work, K2, knit slipped st Repeat from * 10 last st, Slip 1.
8th Row: K1, purl to last st, K1.
This completes one pattern.
Repeat these 8 rows until ll6 rows of pattern have been completed.
Armhole Shaping
117th and 118th Rows: Cast off 6 sts, and work in pattern to end of row.
119th and 120th Rows: Cast off 4 sts, work in pattern to end of row.
121st and 122nd Rows: Cast off 3 sts, work in pattern to end of row.
K2tog at each end of the next and every alternate row until 120 sts remain.
Continue without further shaping until 200 rows of pattern have been completed.
Shoulder Shaping
Cast off 9 sts at the beginning of the next 8 rows. Cast off remaining sts
Work exactly as for the back until the 160th pattern row has been completed.
161st Row: (wrong side of work facing) K1, P49, cast off 20 sts, P49, K1. Continue to work on these last 50 sts
162nd Row: Work in pattern.
163rd Row: Cast off 5 sts, work in pattern to end of row.
Repeat these 2 rows once.
Decrease at neck edge of every row until 36 sts remain.
Continue without further shaping until the 200th row has been completed.
Shoulder Shaping
Cast off 9 sts at shoulder edge of row 4 times.
Join wool at centre and complete the other side of neck to correspond.
Neck Band
Before commencing the neck band pin out both sections of garment to measurement and press well with hot iron and wet cloth.
Join shoulder seams and side seams.
Using the full set of double pointed needles and with right side of work facing pick up and knit 50 sts with the 1st needle, 54 sts with the 2nd needle, and 50 sts with the 3rd needle.
1st Round: K1, P1 alternately.
2nd Round: K1, Slip 1 alternately.
Repeat these 2 rounds 4 times. Break off gold wool and join brown wool.
Next Row: As 1st row.
Next Row: As 2nd row. Cast off loosely.
Sleeve Bands
With right side of work facing, pick up and knit 156 sts
Complete ribbing to correspond with neck band. Work the 2nd sleeve band to match.
Press neck and sleeve bands and seams.
The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however this updated digital version is copyright Sarah Bradberry, July 20th 2012. All rights reserved.