This pattern has options for both long and short sleeves
Patons Beehive Crepe.
Short Sleeves – 8 ozs.
Long Sleeves – 9 ozs.
Knitting Needles – 1 pair each UK Nos. 10/3.25mm/US 3 and UK 12/2.75mm/US 2
One Pair of Shoulder Pads.
Seven Buttons.
Length from top of shoulder – 21 ins.
Width all round at under-arm – 34 ins.
Length of sleeve from under-arm
Short – 5 ins.
Long – 17½ ins.(or length desired)
To get these measurements it is absolutely necessary to work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch in width
the Left Front
Using No. 10 Needles. cast on 69 stitches.
1st row: Knit plain.
Repeat 1st row ten times.
** 12th row: (Wrong side of work) slip 1, K28, purl to last st, K1.
13th row: K40, P19, K10.
14th row: Like 12th row.
15th row: K41, * yo, K1, slip 1, K2tog, psso, K1, yo, K1, repeat from * twice, K10.
16th row: Slip 1, K9, purl to last st, K1.
Repeat 15th and 16th rows once, then 15th row once. **
Keeping continuity of pattern as given from ** to **, decrease once at beginning of needle in 6th and every following 8th row, until 63 sts remain.
Work 11 rows without shaping.
Continue in pattern, increasing once at beginning of needle in next and every following 6th row, until there are 71 sts on needle.
Work 4 rows without shaping.
Proceed as follows:
1st row: Slip 1, K40, P29, K1.
2nd row: Increase once in first st, K29, P31, K10.
3rd row: Slip 1, K40, P30, K1.
4th row: K32, * yo, K1, slip 1, K2tog , psso, K1, yo, K1, repeat from * four times, K10.
5th row: Slip 1, K9, purl to last st, K1.
Repeat 4th and 5th rows once.
8th row: Increase once in first st, K31, * yo, K1, slip 1, K2tog, psso, K1, yo, K1, repeat from * four times, K10.
Keeping continuity of pattern and plain smooth fabric, work 23 rows, increasing once at beginning of needle in 6th row (74 sts)
Cast off 12 sts at beginning of next row, then decrease once at beginning of needle in every alternate row, until 54 sts remain.
Proceed as follows:
*** 1st row: Slip 1, knit plain to end of row.
2nd row: K1, purl to last 10 sts, K10.
3rd row: Like 1st row.
4th row: K2, * yo, K1, slip 1, K2tog, psso, K1, yo, K1, repeat from * six times, K10.
5th row: Slip 1, K9, purl to last st, K1.
Repeat 4th and 5th rows once, then 4th row once. ***
Repeat from *** to *** five times.
In next row, slip 1, K9, leave these sts on a spare
needle, cast off 8 sts, work in pattern to end of row.
Continue in pattern on last 36 sts, decreasing once at end of needle in next and every alternate row until
32 sts remain.
Shape for shoulder as follows:
1st row: Work in pattern to last 8 sts, turn.
2nd and 4th rows: Work in pattern to end of row.
3rd row: Work in pattern to last 16 sts, turn.
5th row: Work in pattern to last 24 sts, turn.
6th row: Like 2nd row. Cast off.
The Right Front
Work to correspond with Left Front, working border and shapings at opposite ends of needle, and making a button-hole in 5th and 6th, and every following 35th and 36th rows, until 6 button-holes have been worked from commencement.
To make a button-hole:
1st row: Slip 1, K4, cast off 2 sts, K3, work to end of row.
2nd row: Work to last 8 sts, K3, cast on 2 sts, K5.
The Back
Using No. 10 Needles, cast on 118 stitches.
1st row: Knit plain.
Repeat 1st row ten times.
12th row: (Wrong side of work) K1, purl to last st, K1.
13th row: Knit plain.
Continue in plain smooth fabric, decreasing once at each end of needle in 10th and every following 8th row, until 106 sts. remain.
Work 11 rows without shaping.
Continue in plain smooth fabric, increasing once at each end of needle in next and every following 6th row, until there are 128 sts. on needle.
Work 17 rows without shaping.
Cast off 9 sts. at beginning of each of next 2 rows, then decrease once at each end of needle in next and every alternate row, until 94 sts remain.
Continue without shaping until arm-holes measure same as Front arm-holes.
Shape for shoulders as follows:
1st and 2nd rows: Work to last 8 sts, turn.
3rd and 4th rows: Work to last 16 sts, turn.
5th and 6th rows: Work to last 24 sts, turn.
7th and 8th rows: Work to last 32 sts, turn.
9th row: Work to end of row. Cast off.
The Short Sleeves
Using No. 10 Needles, cast on 84 stitches.
1st row: Knit plain.
Repeat 1st row ten times.
12th row: K1, purl to last st, K1.
13th row: Knit plain.
Continue in plain smooth fabric, increasing once at each end of needle in 2nd and every following 8th row, until there are 96 sts. on needle.
Work 3 rows without shaping.
** Decrease once at each end of needle in next and every alternate row, until 32 sts. remain. Cast off. **
Work another Sleeve in same manner.
The Long Sleeves
Using No. 10 Needles, cast on 56 stitches.
1st row: Knit plain.
Repeat 1st row ten times.
12th row: K1, purl to last st, K1.
13th row: Knit plain.
Continue in plain smooth fabric, increasing once at each end of needle in 2nd and every following 8th row, until there are 96 sts. on needle.
Continue without shaping until work measures 17½ ins. (or length desired) from commencement.
Work as given from ** to ** for Short Sleeves.
Work another Sleeve in same manner.
The Neck-Band
Sew up shoulder seams.
Using No. 12 Needles, slip 10 sts. from right front spare needle, knit up 86 sts. evenly round neck, then knit 10 sts. from left front spare needle (106 sts)
1st row: Slip 1, knit plain to end of row.
Repeat 1st row eleven times, making a button-hole as before in 4th and 5th rows.
Cast off.
To Make Up Coat Jumper
With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly.
Sew up side and sleeve seams.
Sew in sleeves, placing seams ½ an inch to front of side seams.
Sew shoulder pads in position. Sew on buttons to correspond with button-holes.
The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however this digital version with updated language and chart is copyright Sarah Bradberry, August 1st 2012. All rights reserved.