Materials and Size
Patons Beehive Baby Wool or Patons Baby Wool with Nylon
17-18 inch underarm – 2 balls
Length from top of shoulder – 9 ins.
Length of sleeve seam – 5 ins.
Knitting needles – 1 pair each UK Nos 10/3.25mm/US 3 and 11/3mm/US 2 (this is not an exact match but the closest in US needles)
A Stitch Holder.
Four Small Buttons.
8 stitches to the inch in width, measured over plain smooth fabric.
NOTE: This jacket is knitted in one piece.
The first stitch in every row should be slipped.
Using No. 11 Needles, cast on 67 stitches.
1st row: Knit.
Rep 1st row four times.
Using No. 10 Needles, proceed in patt. with Garter Stitch edge and yoke as follows:
1st row: Knit.
** 2nd row: K53, turn.
3rd row: Purl to last 5 sts, K5.
4th row: K5, (P2, K2) eleven times, P2, K11, turn.
5th row: K11, (P2, K2) eleven times, P2, K5.
6th row: K5, (P2, K2) eleven times, P2, K16.
7th row: K14, purl to last 5 sts, K5. **
Rep from ** to ** nine times, then rows 2-6 incl. once.
*** Next row: K14, P12, slip remaining 41 sts on a stitch holder, cast on 37 sts (63 sts).
Work sleeves as follows:
**** 1st row: K49, turn.
2nd row: Purl to last 5 sts, K5.
3rd row: K5, (P2, K2) ten times, P2, K11, turn.
4th row: K11, (P2, K2) ten times, P2, turn, (thus leaving 5 sts not worked at end of Sleeve).
5th row: (P2, K2) ten times, P2, K16.
6th row: Kl4, purl to last 5 sts, K5. ****
Rep from **** to **** ten times, then rows 1-3 incl. once.
Next row: K11, (P2, K2) ten times, P2, K5.
Next row: Cast off 37 sts, P1 (2 sts on needle after cast off) (K2, P2) twice, K16.
Next row: Kl4, purl to end of row.
Slip 41 sts from stitch holder on to left hand needle, purl across these sts to last 5 sts, K5. ***
Rep from ** to ** eighteen times, then rows 2-6 incl. once.
Work Second Sleeve from *** to ***ยท
Rep from ** to ** eleven times.
Using No. 11 Needles, proceed as follows:
1st row: Knit.
Rep 1st row three times.
5th row: Knit to last 21 sts, (yo, K2tog, K4) three times, yo, K2tog, K1.
Rep 1st row twice. Cast off.
The Neckband
With right side of work facing, using No. 11 Needles, knit up one st. from every ridge round neck (71 sts).
1st row: K1, (K2tog, K3) fourteen times. (57 sts).
2nd row: K1, * yo, K2tog, Rep from * to end of row. Cast off.
To Make Up
With a slightly damp cloth and warm iron, press lightly.
Using a flat seam sew up sleeve seams.
Make a twisted cord and thread through holes at neck.
Attach a small tassel to each end of cord.
Sew on buttons to correspond with buttonholes. Finally, press seams.
The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however this updated digital version is copyright Sarah Bradberry, July 24th 2012. All rights reserved.