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Cotton Tails Jumper/Sweater and Skirt

Toddler's jumper or sweater and skirt with bunny rabbit motifs. Free knitting patterns.



  • 4 ozs. red,
  • 1 oz. white 3-ply fingering;
  • 1 pr. each Old UK Nos. 10 and 12/US 3 and 2/metric 3.25 and 2.75mm needles;
  • 1 set of 4 Old UK No. 12/US 2/metric 2.75mm double pointed needles.


Length of jumper from top of shoulder, 11½ inches;

width around underarm, 22 inches;

length of sleeve from underarm with cuff turned back, 7 inches.

Special Abbreviations

R., red wool;

W., white wool.


8 stitches to 1 inch.



Using red wool and smaller needles cast on 86 sts.

1st row: K.2, * P.1, K.1, repeat from * to end.

Repeat 1st row for 2 inches.

Using larger needles proceed as follows:

Colour Pattern

In Words (chart follows)

1st and 3rd rows: Knit.

2nd row: Purl.

4th row: Using white wool, purl.

5th row: * Knit 1 W., 1 R., repeat from * to end.

6th row: * Purl red to end.

7th row: Knit 2 R., * 5 R., 2 W., 2 R., 6W., 6 R., repeat from * to end.

8th row: Purl * 4 R., 8 W., 2 R., 1 W., 6 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

9th row: Knit * 7 R., 2 W., 4 R., 7 W., 1 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

10th row: Purl 2 R., * 15 W., 6 R., repeat from * to end.

11th row: Knit * 5 R., 16 W., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

12th row: Purl, using same colours as 11th row.

13th row: Knit * 4 R., 17 W., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

14th row: Purl, using same colours as 13th row.

15th row: Knit 2 R., * 18 W., 3 R., repeat from * to end.

16th row: Purl 2 R., * 3 R., 8 W., 2 R., 6 W., 2 R., repeat from * to end.

17th row: Knit * 3 R., 1 W., 1 R., 5 W., 3 R., 4 W., 4 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

18th row: Purl * 11 R., 8 W., 2 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

19th row: Knit * 6 R., 3 W., 1 R., 3 W., 8 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

20th row: Purl * 10 R., 2 W., 1 R., 3 W., 5 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

21st row: Knit * 8 R., 3 W., 1 R., 2 W., 7 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.

22nd row: Purl * 12 R., 1 W., 8 R., repeat from * to last 2 sts., 2 R.


Knitting chart with bunny rabbits

Using red wool continue in stocking st. till work measures 7 inches from commencement.

Cast off 4 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows. Then dec. once each end of needle in next and every alt. row till 62 sts. remain.

Work without shaping till work measures 9½ inches from commencement, ending with a purl row.

Next row: K.24, turn.

Continue in stocking st. on these 24 sts., dec. once at neck edge in every row till 16 sts. remain.

Continue without shaping till work measures 10¾ inches from commencement, ending at armhole edge.

To Shape Shoulder:

1st row: Cast off 6 sts., knit to end.

2nd row: Purl.

Then cast off 5 sts. at beg. of next and alt. rows.

Commencing where sts. were left, slip 14 sts. on to a spare needle, join in wool and work on last 24 sts. to correspond with other side.


Work exactly as given for front till armhole shapings have been completed (62 sts).

Continue in stocking st. without shaping till armhole measures same as front armholes.

To Shape Shoulders:

Cast off 6 sts. at beg. of next 2 rows.

Cast off 5 sts. at beg. of next 4 rows.

Leave remaining 30 sts. on spare needle.


Using red wool and smaller needles cast on 42 sts.

1st row: K.2, * P.1, K.1, repeat from * to end.

Repeat this row for 2 inches.

Using larger needles: 1st row: Knit.

2nd row: Purl.

Continue in stocking st., inc. once at each end of needle in 7th and every following 8th row till there are 56 sts. on

Continue without shaping till work measures 9 inches or length desired from commencement.

1st and 2nd rows: Cast off 2 sts. at beg. of row, work to end.

3rd and 4th rows: Cast off 1 st. at beg. of row, work to end.

Repeat these 4 rows till 20 sts. remain. Cast off.


Sew up shoulder seams.

Using red wool and smaller needles, with right side facing, (K.2, inc. once in next st.) 10 times along back (40 sts),

pick up 22 sts. evenly along left front,

K.1, P.1 across 14 sts. on spare needle,

pick up 22 sts. along right front.

Work 3 rounds of K.1, P.1 rib on these 98 sts.

Next round.: Rib 40 sts. across back, * K.1, P.1, K.1, (P.1, K.1, P.1) into next st., repeat from * 7 times, K.1. ** (P.1, K.1, P.1) into next st., K.1, P.1, K.1, repeat from ** 7 times, P.1 (126 sts).

Next row: K.1, (P.1, K.1) 41 times, turn.

Next row: K.2, (P.1, K.1) 62 times.

Repeat this row 12 times. Cast off in rib.

To Make Up

Press lightly. Sew up side and sleeve seams.

Sew in sleeves, placing seam to seam.



  • 4 ozs. 3-ply fingering;
  • 1 pr. each Old UK Nos. 10 and 12/US 3 and 2/metric 3.25 and 2.75mm needles;
  • small quantity of material for bodice;
  • 8 buttons.



A, 11 inches (knitted from waist to hem);

B, 13½ inches (knitted from waist to hem).


Using smaller needles cast on 88 sts.; B, 100 sts.

1st row: K.2, * P.1, K.1, repeat from * to end.

Repeat 1st row 3 times.

5th row: * K2tog, (yo), twice, (P.1, K.1) 11 times, P.1, K2tog, (yo) twice, (P.1, K.1) A 8 times, B 11 times, K.1, repeat from * to end.

Repeat 1st row 7 times, working (yo) twice as one st. and inc. once at end of last row (A 89 sts., B 101 sts.).

Change to larger needles.

1st row: K.2, * P.1, K.5, Slip 1, K.5, repeat from * to last 3 sts., P.1, K.2.

2nd row: P.2, * K.1, P.11, repeat from * to last 3 sts., K.1, P.2.

Repeat 1st and 2nd rows twice more.

7th row: K.1, pick up loop between the needles on to left needle and knit T.B.L. (this will be termed M.1 throughout), K.1, * P.1, K.3, M.1, K.2, Slip 1, K.2, M.1, K.3, repeat from * to last 3 sts., P.1, K.1, M.1, K.1.

8th row: P.3, * K.1, P.13, repeat from * to last 4 sts., K.1, P.3.

9th row: K.3, * P.1, K.6, Slip 1, K.6, repeat from * to last 4 sts., P.1, K.3.

Repeat 8th and 9th rows 4 times, then 8th row once.

19th row: K.3, * P.1, K.3, M.1, K.3, Slip 1, K.3, M.1, K.3, repeat from * to last 4 sts., P.1, K.3.

20th row: P.3, * K.1, P.15 repeat from * to last 4 sts., K.1, P.3.

21st row: K.3, * P.1, K.7, Slip 1, K.7, repeat from * to last 4 sts., P.1, K.3.

Repeat 20th and 21st rows 4 times, then 20th row once.

31st row: K.1, M.1, K.2, * P.1, K.3, M.1, K.4, Slip 1, K.4, M.1, K.3, repeat from * to last 4 sts., P.1, K.2, M.1, K.1.

32nd row: P.4, * K.1, P.17, repeat from * to last 5 sts., K.1, P.4.

33rd row: K.4, * P.1, K.8, Slip 1, K.8, repeat from * to last 5 sts., P.1, K.4.

Repeat 32nd and 33rd row 6 times, then 32nd row once.

47th row: K.1, M.1, K.3, * P1, K.4, M.1, K.4, Slip 1, K.4, M.1, K.4, repeat from * to last 5 sts., P.1, K.3, M.1, K.1.

48th row: P.5, * K.1, P.19, repeat from * to last 6 sts., K.1, P.5.

49th row: K.5, * P.1, K.9, Slip 1, K.9, repeat from * to last 6 sts., P.1, K.5.

Repeat 48th and 49th rows 8 times, then 48th row once.

67th row: K.1, M.1, K.4, * P.1, K.4, M.1, K.5, Slip 1, K.5, M.1, K.4, repeat from * to last 6 sts., P.1, K.4, M.1, K.1.

68th row: P.6, * K.1, P.21, repeat from * to last 7 sts., K.1, P.6.

69th row: K.6, * P.1, K.10. Slip 1, K.10, repeat from * to last 7 sts., P.1, K.6.

Repeat 68th and 69th rows 12 times, then 68th row once.

Cast off for size A. Continue for size B.

95th row: K.1, M.1, K.5, * P.1, K.5, M.1, K.5, Slip 1, K.5, M.1, K.5, repeat from to last 7 sts., P.1, K.5, M.1, K.1,

96th row: P.7, * K.1, P.23, repeat from * to last 8 sts., K.1, P.7.

97th row: K.7, * P.1, K.11, Slip 1, K.11, repeat from * to last 8 sts., P.1, K.7.

Repeat 96th and 97th rows 12 times, then 96th row once. Cast off.

Work another piece in same manner.

To Make Up

Work 1 row of D.C. (US single crochet) along lower edge.

Press carefully, pressing pleats into position.

Make material bodice and button skirt to it.

The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however this updated version and all charts are copyright Sarah Bradberry, 9th July 2014. All rights reserved.