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Oddball Sampler Afghan Square #32: Round & Round

Round & Round Afghan Square


I used approximately 40gm unknown 8 ply (DK) acrylic/nylon mix. If using wool, allow at least 50gm


20sts and 28 rows to 4 inches (10cm) over st-st on 4.5mm needles, or needles needed to obtain gauge.


See chart for key to symbols


Cast on 176 sts, place a marker after every 44th st.

Work chart in the round, beginning with a knit row, working chart once between each set of markers (4 times each round).

Ie: 1st round would be: Knit
2nd round: *P2tog, P 18, slip 2 sts to cable needle and hold in front, K2, K2 from cable needle, P18, P2tog, rep from * 3 more times
3rd round: Knit
4th round: *P2tog, P17, K4, P17, P2tog , rep from * three more times

and so on…

Round & Round Chart

Thread yarn through remaining sts and fasten off. Block

Copyright © Sarah Bradberry, August 1998

Odd-Ball Sampler Afghan Index