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Month: June 2012

Still Working On It

I’ll be tweaking the mobile version of over the next week or so.

First I’ll be adding all the embedded videos from the regular site into the mobile pages so that you can view them full screen in youtube.

Following that I’ll be installing a search function. I removed the current one because it was returning results from the regular version of the site instead of the mobile version. There will also be a few design tweaks here and there.

I hope you find it useful. There are currently 10,000 pages on viewed on mobile phones every month (that doesn’t include other mobile devices such as iPads and tablets) so I thought it was time to go mobile 🙂


My apologies for any weirdness you may see on the website for the next few hours. I’m just tidying up some things and other things may look weird for a little bit in the meantime.