St = stitch
K = knit
P = purl
st st = stocking stitch (k1 row, p 1 row) All three toys are worked throughout in stocking stitch
garter st = knit every row
tog = together
inc = increase by working twice into the same stitch
dec = decrease by working two sts together
s = slip
The Sailor
If Daddy’s at Sea, friendly Jack Tar
will be all the more welcome
- One ounce of 4-ply fingering or equivalent yarn in navy blue
½ ounce in flesh colour
also a few yards of white, pale blue, and brown - a pair of UK No 12/2.75mm/US 2 knitting needles
- a UK No 12/2.75mm/US C-2 crochet hook
- 2 circles of white cotton material, 3 ins across for the cap
- 1 yard of narrow black ribbon
- kapok, cotton wool or odds and ends of wool or finely cut up rags for stuffing.
The original doll was about 10 ins high.
Special Abbreviations
B, blue
w, white
The Back
Using flesh coloured wool, cast on 8 sts for one foot, and work 4 rows in k1, p1 rib
Now work 44 rows in st st
Leave this leg on a spare pin and make the other leg in the same way.
Now join the two legs. K across the second leg, cast on 2, k the first leg. (18 sts)
Now work 13 rows in st st and leave on a spare pin.
The Trousers
Cast on 12 sts with b wool and work 40 rows in st st. Leave this on a spare pin and make the second trouser leg in the same way.
Join the two legs tog, working across all sts
Work 13 rows of st st and dec twice in the middle of the 5th, 9th and 13th rows. (18 sts)
Next row: Place the trousers sts in front of the body sts and k each trouser st with a body st to join the two pieces.
Continue with b wool and work 15 more rows of st st
The Arms
Cast on 22 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. (62 sts)
Work 6 rows straight. Now cast off 12 sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows, and cast off 15 sts at the beginning of the following 2 rows. (8 sts remain)
The Head
Change to flesh wool and work 4 rows of st st for neck
Next row: inc at both ends and also inc twice in the middle of the row (12 sts)
Next 2 rows: inc at both ends. (16 sts)
Work 14 rows without shaping.
Next row: (K2, k2tog) 4 times.
Next row: P
Next row: (K1, k2tog) 4times. Next row: P.
Next row: K2 tog 4 times.
P 1 more row
Cast off.
The Front
Work as for back until the sts are cast on for the arms. (62 sts)
Next row: K 30 b, 2 w, 30 b
P each alternate row in same colours as previous k row
Next knit row: 29 b, 4 w, 29 b
Next knit row: 28 b, 6 w, 28 b
Next knit row: Cast off 12, k15 b, 8 w, 27 b
Next row: Cast off 12, P15 b, 8 w, 15 b.
Now cast off 15 b sts at beginning of next 2 rows, working the centre 8 sts of the row with w
Change to flesh wool, and finish as for the back
Join the shoulder seams.
The Hands
With right side facing, and using flesh wool, pick up and k10 sts along the wrist edge.
Work 7 rows of st st
Cast off 2 sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
Work 2 rows more, then cast off.
The Collar
Using pale blue wool, cast on 18 sts and k 2 rows.
3rd row: K
4th row: K2, p14, k2; repeat the last 2 rows 4 times.
13th row: K6, k2tog and leave the remaining 10 sts on a safety-pin.
Continuing on these 7 sts, shape the collar as follows:
14th row: P till 2 sts remain, k2.
15th row: K
16th row: As 14th row
17th row: K till 2 sts remain, k2tog
18th row: As 14th row; repeat the last 4 rows until 2 sts remain.
Cast off.
Return to the 10 sts on the pin. Cast off 2, k2tog, k to end.
Finish this side of collar to correspond with the other side.
The Lanyard
Using w wool, make a length of crochet chain 8 ins long.
To Make Up
Press the knitting with a hot iron over a damp cloth.
Join the back and front, leaving an opening in the side.
Stuff the doll and stitch the opening.
Sew the side seams of the trousers.
Stitch the collar in position.
Embroider the eyes, nose and mouth.
Join the two hat circles neatly.
Cut a small hole in the centre of one circle, and gradually make this hole large enough to fit the head, by making cuts from the centre outwards towards the edge.
Sew the hat on to the head and stitch the ribbon round the lower edge, leaving two short ends of ribbon.
Double the ribbon if it is too wide.
Work a short row of flesh coloured double crochet in the seams at the side of the head, for ears.
Make long brown sts for hair on the back of the head.
Sew an end of the lanyard under either side of the collar, near the shoulders.
Knot the lanyard just in front of the white vest and make another knot at the doubled end. Stitch this second knot on the left side of the chest.
The Airman
Your air-minded son will love this cuddly mascot
- One ounce of 4-ply fingering or equivalent yarn in Air Force blue
about ½ ounce of similar wool in black
a small quantity of flesh-coloured wool for face and hands
a small quantity of pale blue wool for shirt
a little brown wool for hair
a needleful of yellow red, and dark blue or brown embroidery cotton - a pair of UK No 12/2.75mm/US 2 knitting needles
- kapok, cotton wool, odds and ends of wool or finely cut up rags for stuffing
The original doll was about 12 ins high.
The Front
Commencing at foot, cast on 4 sts with black wool, and working in st st inc at beginning of 1st-5th rows, then work 3 rows more on the 9 sts
9th row: Dec twice in middle of row
P 1 row
11th row: inc twice in middle of row
P 1 row
* Work 48 more rows, then break off the wool and leave the sts on a spare pin.
Make a second foot and leg in the same way, but do not break wool.
K the second leg sts, cast on 1 st, knit the first leg sts
Work 21 tows on the 19 sts and leave on a spare pin *
The Trousers
Cast on 12 sts with Air Force blue and work 42 rows.
43rd, 45th and 47th rows: inc in first st, k to end. (P alternate rows.)
48th row: P and leave the 15 sts on a spare pin.
Make a second leg in same way, but with the incs at end of rows.
K the second leg sts, cast on 1 st, then k to end of first leg.
K3tog in middle of 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th, 21st and 23rd rows.
24th row: P.
Place the 19 sts in front of the 19 body sts and k each trouser st tog with a body st to join the parts.
P 1 row
Leave on a spare pin.
The Tunic
Cast on 15 sts with Air Force blue.
Work 20 rows, dec at end of 5th, 11th and 17th rows.
Leave the 12 sts on a spare pin.
Work another piece to correspond, with decs at beginning of rows. Do not break wool.
21st row: K 7 sts of second piece. Put remaining 5 sts in front of first 5 sts of first piece and k them together in pairs to join the parts, then k remaining 7 sts of first part.
P 1 row on the 19 sts
Place in front of lower part of body and k each tunic st tog with a body st.
Work 13 rows, inc at both ends of 2nd row (21 sts)
The Arms
Cast on 21 sts at beginning of next 2 rows.
Work 6 rows straight.
Next 2 rows: Work 30 sts in Air Force blue, 3 pale blue, 30 Air Force blue.
Next 2 rows: 29 Air Force blue, 5 pale blue, 29 Air Force blue.
Next 2 rows: 28 Air Force blue, 7 pale blue, 28 Air Force blue.
Next 2 rows: Cast off 27 sts with Air Force blue, work the 9 middle sts with pale blue.
The Head
Work 2 rows in pale blue, then change to flesh wool and work 2 rows for neck
Next row: inc in every st except the 5th and last sts (16 sts)
Work 19 rows
Next row: (K2, k2tog) 4 times.
P 1 row
Next row: (K1, k2tog) 4 times.
P 1 row
Cast off.
The Back
Cast on 4 sts with black wool and inc at beginning of 1st-5th rows. (9 sts)
Work 7 rows straight.
13th, row: S 1, k7, turn.
14th row: S 1, p6, turn.
15th row: S 1, k5, turn.
Continue in this way until the row with s 1, p2 has been worked
19th row: S 1, k3, turn.
20th row: S 1, p4, turn.
Work 1 st more in every row, until the row with 9 sts has been worked.
Continue as for front from * to *.
The Trousers
Work as for the front until the two legs are joined. (31 sts)
K3tog in middle of 15th, 19th and 21st rows
23rd row: (K2, k2tog) 6 times, k1, P the 19 sts. Place these in front of the 19 body sts and join the two parts.
P 1 row and leave on a spare pin.
The Tunic
Work as for front until the arm sts are cast on. (63 sts)
Work 12 rows, then cast off 27 sts at beginning of next 2 rows. (9 sts)
The Head
Work 2 rows, then change to flesh wool and work 2 rows more
Finish as for front.
The Hands
Join the shoulder seams.
Along the sleeve edge, with right side facing, pick up and k 10 sts with flesh wool.
Work 8 rows.
Dec at beginning of 9th and 10th rows.
Work 2 rows more. Cast off.
Make the other hand in same way.
The Cap
Cast on 2 sts for the top part and inc at beginning of first 6 rows.
Work 12 rows.
Dec at beginning of next 6 rows. Cast off.
Cast on 40 sts for main part and work 8 rows; inc at beginning and in middle of the 3rd and 6th rows
9th row: K22 and leave 22 sts on a safety-pin.
Cast off 4 sts at beginning of next 4 rows. Cast off.
Return to the 22 sts and work to correspond.
Join the two ends of this strip for the front seam and sew top part to the cast-off edges.
Fold the cap into shape and press it well.
Work long embroidery stitches to indicate, the part of cap which turns up and embroider two buttons and a badge in yellow
The Belt
Cast on 48 sts and work 6 rows, inc at end of 2nd row and dec at beginning of 5th row. Cast off.
To Make Up
Join seams of feet 1 inch up the legs.
Stuff them, and gradually complete all the seams of the body, head, arms and legs, stuffing the doll as the seams are made.
Sew the trousers seams. Embroider the nose with a few flesh colour stitches on top of each other. The eyes and mouth are short, straight stitches of appropriate colours.
Embroider the hair with brown wool in long stitches
Sew the cap on the head indicate the front opening of tunic and revers with long stitches of same colour, and work pockets in the same way
Embroider a black tie and make blue stitches to represent shirt collar.
Sew belt round waist and embroider a buckle with yellow cotton and buttons of yellow cotton, three above the belt and one below
With pale blue wool embroider the wings on the shoulders.
Next time Daddy’s home on leave he’ll have some competition!
As for airman, substituting khaki wool for Air Force blue, and omitting the pale blue wool.
The Front
Work as for airman from the beginning until the trousers are joined to the body, but do not break the wool.
Cast on 2 sts at end of next 2 rows. (23 sts)
Work 15 rows more
The Arms
Cast on 21 sts at beginning of next 2 rows and work 10 rows straight.
Cast off 28sts at beginning of next 2 rows, leaving 9 sts for neck
Work 2 rows in khaki.
Change to flesh and complete the head as for the airman.
The Back
Work as for airman until the trousers and lower body are joined.
Cast on 2 sts at end of next 2 rows and finish as for front.
The Cuffs and Hands
Join the shoulder seams.
Along one sleeve edge, with right sides facing, pick up and knit 14 sts with khaki wool. Work 2 rows.
Next row: (P2tog, p2) 3 times, p2tog.
Change to flesh wool. Work 6 rows.
Dec at the beginning of next 2 rows.
Work 2 more rows and cast off.
Make the other cuff and hand in the same way.
The Collar
Cast on 22 sts with khaki wool and work 4 rows in garter st.
Cast off loosely.
The Cap
As for airman.
The Ankle Cuffs
Cast on 7 sts with khaki wool and work 24 rows in garter st. Cast off.
To Make Up
Stuff the doll and embroider the features and hair as for airman.
Sew cap on head.
Sew cast on edge of collar to neck
Make little loops of khaki wool for shoulder straps.
Outline the pockets and front opening of blouse with stitches of khaki wool.
Wind wool round waist to a width of ¼ inch for the belt.
Embroider belt buckle and lettering at top of sleeve with yellow using small straight stitches. Join the ankle cuffs into a ring and place round the ankles, tucking the bottom of the trousers inside and catch into place.
The original publication of this pattern is in the public domain, however this digital version is copyright Sarah Bradberry, May 24th 2012. All rights reserved.